ADRC of Taylor County hits the ground running after change
At a board meeting for the ADRC of Taylor County on January 8, members looked forward to completing their transition from the former Commission on Aging in order to streamline services for their consumers.
The Commission on Aging offered services such as multiple nutrition sites, home delivered meals, transportation and caregiver programs, and health programs, among many others. Previously, Taylor county had been associated with the ADRC of the Northwoods along with multiple other counties and tribes. As those other entities pulled out of that consortium, Taylor county opted to do the same. In doing so, they eliminated the Commission on Aging and formed the new ADRC of Taylor County.
At the meeting, board members reviewed and approved their new bylaws, which were evaluated by representatives from Portage county as well as Taylor county clerk Andria Farrand. Portage county is serving as a mentor to the ADRC of Taylor County. They also set terms for board members, with county supervisor members (members of this board who are also supervisors on the Taylor county board) serving no more than six consecutive years, or three two-year terms, and citizen members serving two three-year terms.The board is ensuring continuity by scheduling terms to expire on a rotational schedule so multiple members’ terms do not expire at the same time.
They also took care to confirm that each demographic was represented as certain board members were tasked with overseeing a particular part of the population group. Sandra Rizzi will represent those with physical disabilities; Brenda Fierke those with developmental disabilities; Donna Hrdina, Cindy Wojcik, Ruth Scheithauer, and Paula Dubiak will represent older citizens; Joyce Peterson is the member-at-large representing the general population. Rod Adams and Kathy Lemke are county supervisors serving on the board for the ADRC of Taylor County. Adams is also the chairperson. Jennifer Viergutz is the director and Barb Cook is the fiscal agent.
Board members also promoted the AARP Tax Aide program and stated that they have begun to make appointments for every Friday in February and March. The AARP Tax Aide program helps individuals ages 50 and over by providing them with free tax assistance. Appointments will last one hour a piece and can be made by calling 748-1491.
In other business, board members:
• Reviewed and approved their pepper spray policy, which is the same policy that the Human Services uses. The need for this approval is due to the merge. Viergutz reported that a representative from the Sheriff’s office would be out to teach employees on proper pepper spray usage.
• Reviewed and approved monthly expenses. The ADRC expenditures were not yet available as the ARDC of Taylor County has not yet incurred expenses. The expenses reviewed were from the Commission on Aging.
• Heard that Viergutz and Cook plan to attend a fiscal training held by the state in Shawano.
• Discussed two interviews held for a position which will be half-time dementia care specialist and half-time under the national family caregiver program. Under the national family caregiver program, the candidate will specifically be available to support caregivers. “Caregiver burnout is huge,” said Viergutz.
• Began preparing for a youth transition event geared towards young people who are progressing into adulthood. This event will host other vendors as well. The board is looking forward to incorporating some fun and educational activities to go along with the event.