From past files of The Star News 125 Years Ago
January 27, 1900
The St. Mary’s Guild will give a 24c. supper in Temperance hall Tuesday evening Jan. 30th, at 6 o’clock. During the evening the scholars of the Episcopal Sunday school will gave an entertainment. Admission free. Everyone cordially invited.
100 Years Ago January 22, 1925 Eclipse Shows Here Saturday
The eclipse of the sun will be visible in Taylor County Saturday, January 24th.
The path of total eclipse is through Duluth, Ashland, Hurley, Eagle River, and Florence. It will show here as a partial eclipse.
Get out your smoked glasses or your dark camera films and take a look at the eclipse, as you will not get another chance until 1945; after that one there will not be another for 200 years, which is a long time off. The last one in this region was back in 1869.
75 Years Ago
January 26, 1950 Boys Admit Taking Two Medford Cars
Sheriff Al. Zastrow said yesterday that two car thefts in Medford had been solved Tuesday afternoon when four juvenile boys admitted to him that they had taken the William Mintz Chevrolet Christmas night and the Richard Williams Ford Saturday night. One boy took part in both deals.
The Chevrolet was taken from the Mintz garage by three boys, and the Ford was taken from the Medford Motors, Inc. property by two boys. The Mintz car was found on highway 64 west of Medford a couple days after it was reported missing, while the Chevrolet was found outside the Brunner Sales & Service garage, Medford, Sunday afternoon.
50 Years Ago
January 23, 1975 PineWood Derby Car Races Slated Monday at Junior-High
Cubmaster Dick Miller announced Tuesday that the Pinewood Derby car races for Cub Scouts and Webelos will take place Monday evening in the Junior high school gymnasium, beginning at 7 o’clock. Trophies will be awarded to the winners in each age group.
25 Years Ago January 26, 2000 MAMS bids right on, but extras put it over
Bid hits $6.9 million referendum amount, district finds money to pay additional $700,000 of costs Medford Area Middle School construction bids of $87 per square foot were recently agreed to and Administrator Paul Schoenberger reported a $7,617,368 grand total for the project.
10 Years Ago
January 22, 2015 Medford marks 100 years of roaring rocks
But a story has to start somewhere and that place for the Medford Curling Club is during the summer of 1914. On July 7, 1914, a group of 40 men signed their names as the first members of the newly registered club. The articles of incorporation were filed with the register of deeds office at the courthouse. The charter members each committed to pay a fee of $10 to cover the cost of the season.