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From past files of The Star News 125 Years Ago

January 13, 1900 Masquerade Ball.

A grand Masquerade ball will be given at the Stetsonville opera house Saturday evening, Jan. 20. Splendid music will be furnished by Tabor’s orchestra, supper will be served, and a general good time is assured. Every one is invited and the tickets have been placed at the low price of 50 cents each.

100 Years Ago

January 8, 1925 Kelly, Notorious Jump River Character, Shot and Killed Sunday

E. J. Kelly, notoriously known throughout northern Wisconsin and up into Canada, was shot and almost instantly killed Sunday morning. Kelly died “with his boots on”, in his garage and office building at Jump River, where he dispensed moon to the thirsty.

The man who killed Kelly is not known, but it is believed that he was a stranger in the Jump River community, that he wore a worn grey mackinaw and black cap, had a dark moustache, and that he walked north from Jump River and caught a train on the main line of the Soo somewhere in the neighborhood of Ingram.

75 Years Ago

January 12, 1950 1950 Oldsmobile Now On Display at Handel’s

The Handel Motor Co., Medford, announces in the Star News this week that a 1950 Oldsmobile is now on display at the garage showroom on South Main street.

50 Years Ago

January 9, 1975 Boy is First Baby of 1975

For the second consecutive year, boys have captured the first baby crown at Memorial hospital, Medford. Arriving at 7:24 a.m. New Year’s day was Benjamin Dale Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fisher, Catawba, route 1, winning for him and his parents many gifts and services from Medford area businesses and professional people.

Benjamin arrived a strapping boy 22 1/2 inches long and weighing eight pounds and one-half ounce.

25 Years Ago January 12, 2000 Challenges heat up county-wide elections

A four-way race for mayor of the City of Medford is one of the few contested races in this year’s nonpartisan spring election. The majority of other local races in the county will see incumbents not facing challengers.

In Medford, four candidates are are running for the mayoral position currently held by Fred Schroeder. Schroeder is stepping down after two terms as mayor.

10 Years Ago

January 8, 2015 Tease Tanning Plus … Gifts on Main opens at new location

Jackie Jentzsch knew just what she wanted her new store to look like. Getting her contractors to be able to see that vision took a little bit of explaining on her part.

“I had the vision in my head and all the time I was saying ‘I wish you could take a picture, because this is what I see,’” she said.

On Monday, Jentzsch held the grand opening for Tease Tanning Plus … Gifts on Main and unveiled how her vision became reality.