From past files of The Star News December 25, 2014 Making the cut 10 Years Ago Players, coaches among the eight to be inducted into the hall of fame.
The eight newest members of Medford Area Senior High’s Athletic Hall of Fame will officially be announced on Tuesday, Dec. 30.
The largest induction class since the first two classes in 1994 and 1996 features six student-athletes who excelled at school in the late 1990s and early 2000s, and two head coaches who put in many years of hard work to build successful programs here.
25 Years Ago December 22, 1999 Fred Schroeder named 2000 Person of the Year
Mayor Fred Schroeder has been named the 2000 Person of the Year by the Medford Area Chamber of Commerce. He will be honored at the Chamber’s Recognition Banquet on Friday, Feb. 11 at Becker’s Banquet Hall. Tickets for the banquet are available to the public.
Area settler featured in American history book
The story of James Peterson, an early Medford settler, was recently published in the book, “My History Is America’s History.”
The book was part of the millennium project of the National Endowment for the Humanities, which was an effort to help save America’s history.
50 Years Ago
December 26, 1974 County Highway Projects To Hit Nearly Half Million
The county board of supervisors has approved a budget of $468,050 for highway construction during 1975. In making their recommendation to the board, county commissioner Gordon Hamrick and the board’s highway committee said the program was held to a minimum.
Commissioner Hamrick will retire at the end of this year, his successor to be James Seidl who has been associated with the highway department as time and cost clerk since 1970. Some of the projects come under federal aid secondary cost sharing arrangements.
75 Years Ago
December 29, 1949 Organize Teams For Curling Season
The first step in the organization of teams for the 1950 curling season was carried out last night when the directors of the Medford Curling club met at the rink house to draw names. The exact number of teams that will compete during the season is not known as yet, but it is hoped there will be 24, according to L. J. Charles, club president.
100 Years Ago December 25, 1924 Kostner’s Santa Claus Host to 900 Kiddies
Santa Claus was host to close to 900 kiddies at Kostner Bros. Model Store Saturday afternoon.
It was so cold that the jolly old fellow rather thought the boys and girls would not be on hand to greet him. However, they turned out very well considering the extreme cold. Last year at the same store Santa Claus had over 1200 youngsters call on him.
December 23, 1899 Christmas Festival 125 Years Ago There will be a genuine old-country Christmas Festival at the Germania hall Monday evening, Dec. 25th, under the auspices of the Central Verin. A splendid program has been arranged which includes two choruses by the Mannerchor assisted by a mixed choice, music by the Citizens band, speeches, recitations and many other entertaining by-plays. A very large Christmas tree will be loaded with gifts, and old Santa Claus will appear in person and distribute candy, nuts and all manner of sweet meats to the children present.