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Hein urges voters to do their research before voting

Hein urges voters to do their research before voting Hein urges voters to do their research before voting

Coming up in November is the election day when we as American citizens can choose from all the candidates in the many political contests our personal preferences in those contests. Like so many of us I will be glad to vote and then be glad when the votes are counted. Agree with me or not the Supreme Court's decision in the case known as Citizens United resulted in releasing multiple millions of dollars in campaign financing. This campaign financing, however, has resulted not in the promotion of positive political thought and debate but the demonization of any and all who are seeking political office. The end result of this is futility expressed by so many who remark 'I'm not voting! None of them are any good!' If commercial advertising were to follow suit to political ads possibly we as a society could cause an economic recession by sitting out shopping! Maybe not, but you get the idea. As in shopping when we make a choice and depending on the performance of the product we stick with that product or we shop for something else, it follows the same can be done with our voting decisions. I think getting past the cacophony of political advertising garbage and doing a rational research of the candidate's positions and histories and using our own good judgement and common sense will serve all of us well in our voting experience.

November 11 is Veteran's Day. Various events over the years, both nationally and personally have resulted in millions of women and men serving in our nation's military forces. The oath taken by all those inducted includes language swearing to preserve and protect the United States Constitution, the same oath taken by our elected officials. Service to our nation by these women and men has preserved our ability to vote and our power in the vote. So as we greet with 'Thank you for your service' may we all be able to additionally give a thank you by saying “and I voted.”

— John Hein, Rib Lake