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Do your research on both sides before picking a candidate

Do your research on both sides before picking a candidate Do your research on both sides before picking a candidate

It’s always been appreciated when local papers have published my ‘two-cents worth’ when the next political season comes around. But this time, instead of endorsing a specific candidate or party (though like most, I have my ‘leanings’), my purpose is to simply challenge people to carefully and honestly look at not only where we are during this time in history, but to also look back at where we have evolved from as a country. Being in the stage of life I’m presently at, my hope is that prayerfully my humble perspective will shed some light on what people need to consider when deciding on who our future leaders will be, as well as what policies would best benefit our country while applying our God-given Constitution. This letter does not pound talking points in support of this or that candidate or party but shares my belief that the best and wisest thing to do is challenge people to approach this upcoming election by taking the time to do a little extra research into a variety of news sources from BOTH sides. Let us all strive to be open-minded, honest, and humble enough to set aside pre-determined beliefs and biases to see what it is the respective candidates and parties really stand for and have to offer. This can be a tough thing to do, but possible! (Hey, I have voted for candidates in the past where I now look back and say: “What was I thinking!”) Most would agree that the technologies of today (especially ‘social media’) have been a major factor as to what drives people’s worldview. Because we can bring virtually anything into our lives and living rooms, it has for good or bad, been a major influence as to how we operate, whether it be in thought, word, or deed. Without belaboring the point, it’s safe to say that where a person gets their information directly determines their own social, economic, and political leanings. And with such a glut of offerings in our world today, it’s only natural that we will have beliefs and opinions that clash and contradict with others, often resulting in division among friend and foe alike! My thoughts are rooted in the belief that there IS such a thing as ‘truth’. People are frustrated with the belief (realization?) that ‘lying’ is so prevalent in our world today. And, yes, by ALL sides. We have heard it being explained away as ‘fake news’, ‘dis’- and ‘misinformation’, etc., but the fact is, it is a problem that greatly affects how we are able to fully function as individuals, families, and a nation. For citizens not to be able to fully access all the facts about any person, current event, and/or issue is one of the greatest hindrances to our citizens for being able to make the best choices for our great country. That is why people need to do their homework by listening, reading, and then comparing and contrasting the information being shared by as many news and information outlets they can possibly access; all while praying for wisdom! While Jesus Christ called the devil ‘the father of lies’, (John 8:44), He called Himself: “the Truth” (John 14:6). In our search for ‘truth’, that would be a great place to start...And then: do your research!

— Larry Lecheler, Abbotsford