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Praises article about innovative school to workplace program

Praises article about innovative school to workplace program Praises article about innovative school to workplace program

I just saw The Star News write-up by Brian Wilson about the outstanding innovative program that Medford Area School District and James Peterson Sons, Inc., along with WisDOT put together to prepare more young people in and around Medford for a number of important jobs, and generally good-paying ones, in road construction. As many in the field are nearing retirement it is essential to establish a foundationally well-trained incoming generation to maintain our infrastructure across not only the state but the country.

By linking workplace place experiences with before and after school as well as in-school learning along with partnerships with employers, unions, and specific potential job credentials is fabulous. I have the rare opportunity to see and work across America with community, business, before and after school, and school leaders. What Medford High, James Peterson Sons and WisDOT are doing together is on the cutting edge of needed educational change, particularly for teens.

As a proud graduate of Medford High, I am doubly proud seeing a key Medford employer and our high school leaders expanding such exciting workforce opportunities. Programs like this that set our youth up for success in the real world are a superlative example of how MASH students will directly benefit from the much-needed additional tech ed space being proposed in November's referendum which can help to accommodate construction classes for hands on learning. If we don't keep up, we will let down not only our children, but our community's future and job creating potentials.

It is always wonderful to see a community coming together to provide their youth with resources for greater learning, opportunities for real world experiences, and the support of their community to put them a step ahead. Thank you, Brian Wilson, for the excellent write up.

- Terry K. Peterson, Medford Class of 1963, Chief Advisory to former United State Secretary of Education Dick Riley, National Vice-Chair, Afterschool Alliance, Education Advisor, Mott Foundation p y , ,

xcellent write up.

Terry K. Peterson, Medford Class of 1963, hief Advisory to former United State Secretary f Vice-Chair,
