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Eddie the Rib Lake School Dog will welcome students this fall

Eddie the Rib Lake School Dog will welcome students this fall Eddie the Rib Lake School Dog will welcome students this fall

Rib Lake students can look forward to seeing a new friend in school.

Eddie, a golden retriever puppy, will be in the elementary, middle, and high schools this year as he learns to be a school therapy dog.

Eddie was born on November 30, 2023. Because Eddie is less than a year old, he is still in training to become certified as a therapy dog. Some of his training during the school year will be “on the job” as kids will see him around the school.

Once Eddie passes his certification, he will be more involved with helping students. Therapy dogs can be used in a wide-variety of school settings. As the name therapy dog suggests, an important role of Eddie’s will come during counseling sessions, when he will serve as a calming presence for kids. With a dog in the room, many students feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings.

In the classroom, Eddie will help students who are learning to read. Students will be able to read out loud to Eddie without having to worry about being judged for making mistakes.

Research shows several benefits of having a therapy dog around in schools. Students in schools with therapy dogs have better attendance, lower anxiety, increased self-esteem, and enhanced motivation.

A fun fact about Eddie is he is camera-shy. It took several treats to get him to pose for photos. Even then, he was suspicious of the camera.

When Eddie was asked to comment on how he feels about the upcoming year, he just wagged his tail. He’s more of a listener than a talker.