From past files of The Star News 125 Years Ago
August 19, 1899 Get Your Gun.
The season is near at hand when the sportsman with his gun will be in evidence, and County Clerk Peterson has been getting ready to furnish license to the local hunter on short notice. Application blanks have been sent to the different town clerks throughout the county from whom those desiring to hunt can secure them.
100 Years Ago
August 21, 1924 Doctor Writes Kolb Concerning Examination Of Slaughtered Cattle
Dr. James S. Healy, inspector in charge of the cattle tuberculosis eradication, writes the following letter to County Agent Kolb, regarding the Johnson and Wild t.b. slaughtered cattle.
The parts of this communication which are especially relevant are: The fourth paragraph relating to the comparative non-importance of the killing-house examination; And the ninth paragraph relating to the progress of the disease in an individual animal. Both these paragraphs give information which has bearing on the case in question.
75 Years Ago August 18, 1949 Council Orders Plans Prepared For Sewer Line
Adjourn Hearing On Proposal to Extend Street Melvin Noth, representative of the Davy Engineering Co., LaCrosse, was instructed by the city council Tuesday evening to prepare plans and specifications for bidders on the extension of the sanitary sewer line on Luepke Way and Third street, and the members agreed that bids for the work would be opened Saturday, Sept. 17.
50 Years Ago August 22, 1974 Ice Age Trail To Traverse County Forest
A 40 mile portion of the Ice Age Trail has been located on the Medford ranger district of the Chequamegon national forest, according to Wayne K. Mann, Park Falls, forest supervisor.
“For the past three months, Prof. Adam Cahow and Medford district personnel have been working cooperatively in locating the trail,” said Mann.
25 Years Ago
August 18, 1999 ‘Strides’ walk here raises over $17,500 for cancer research
Medford’s Sixth Annual Making Strides, American Cancer Society Walk, held here on June 5, drew 155 participants and has so far raised over $17,500. Faith Schmidt was the top individual fundraiser, with $3,726, and her team — Memorial Hospital Movers — was the top team with a total of $4,233 in pledges.
10 Years Ago August 21, 2014 Medford Park Fest celebration a success
The city of Medford’s year-long celebration of its 125th anniversary continued last week with a new summertime event. Park Fest was held on Aug. 14 in the city park as a way to highlight the city’s park system and what it offered. While conceived as a way to highlight Medford’s 125th anniversary of incorporation and showcase the city pool renovations, mayor Mike Wellner told those in attendance he hoped the event would continue in future years.