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Author to speak at New Hope Church in Hannibal Aug. 24

“Saved by Angels” author Bruce Van Natta will be at New Hope Presbyterian Church on Saturday, August 24 at 5 pm. Hear his incredible story.

When the logging truck Bruce was working on fell off the jack across his midsection crushing him under the 10,000 pound axle, no one thought he would live.

In 2006 Bruce was crushed underneath a logging truck and was on the verge of life and death when he had an 'out of body' experience. He says God sent two angels to keep Bruce alive. Bruce's body was almost cut in two. Main arteries were completely severed in 5 places. The doctors said there was no medical record of anyone surviving longer than a few minutes with injuries like his. Bruce should have died before the ambulance arrived. Yet God kept him alive for over 2 ½ hours, until doctors could operate. Many of his internal organs were mashed. In fact, Bruce's intestines were so badly damaged that the doctor's couldn't even save enough intestines to sustain his life. Even after the miracle of surviving this horrible accident, Bruce was slowly starving to death. He says God spoke to a man on the other side of the country, (Bruce Carlson) to buy a plane ticket, fly to Bruce, and pray for a creative miracle in his intestines.

His true life story stirs the faith of any believer and brings unbelievers to a place where they can accept Christ. Bruce has been a guest on several talk radio shows. Most notably Bruce has been a 5 time guest on Sid Roth's nationally aired radio show. He has also appeared on many TV shows including Sid Roth's TV show “It's Supernatural.” Bruce's appearance on “It's Supernatural” had very high viewer response and has been re-aired several times.

“It's a New Day” TV show found Bruce's experience so compelling, they did a 5 part series on Bruce, which was first aired on June 15 - 19, 2009.

“The Harvest Show,” a TV show that is part of the late Dr. Lester Sumrall’s ministry had Bruce on as a guest in May 2010.

The “700 Club” did a feature story on Bruce that aired over Thanksgiving in Nov of 2010 and was chosen in June 2011 as one of their “Top Ten” supernatural stories.

The internationally aired '100 Huntley Street' TV show had Bruce as guest in Toronto Canada as well as the 'NiteLite' TV show also taped at the Crossroads studio. TBN of Honolulu did a show on Bruce in 2009 also.

'Guideposts' magazine used Bruce's story as a feature article in the December 2009 issue and “Charisma” magazine in their July 2010 issue.

Come hear Bruce’s story in person Saturday, August 24 at 5 p.m. at New Hope Presbyterian Church, W14520 CTH M, (Hannibal) Gilman, A light meal will be served at 4:30 p.m.