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From past files of The Star News 125 Years Ago

August 12, 1899 Labor unions

After these many years it has come to pass that the great press of the country admit that labor organizations are founded upon just and proper principles and that they are a good thing generally.

100 Years Ago

August 14, 1924 Co-op Creamery Made Close to 130,000 Lbs. Butter 2nd Half of July

Medford Co-operative Creamery made close to 130,000 pounds of butter during the second half of July; the exact figures are 129,195 pounds. The amount received for butter during the two weeks was $47,683.12. Forty-three cents per pound was paid for butter fat; 38c was received for the butter.

75 Years Ago

August 11, 1949 Taylor County Fair Will Open August 18 Monday Is Final Day For Making Entry Registrations

The gates for the 1949 Taylor County Youth Fair will swing open Thursday morning, Aug. 18, and will close Sunday night, Aug. 21. The deadline for registering entries at the extension office is Monday, Aug. 15, at 5 p.m., according to Carl Zoerb, secretary. Entry day at the fair will be Thursday, Aug. 18.

50 Years Ago August 15, 1974 17 Medford Area Schools To Open

The largest school district in the county, the 17 school buildings in the Medford area district will be filled with an anticipated 2,580 students when doors open Thursday, Aug. 22, according to projected figures in the office of superintendent Allen Christel. The large enrollment requires a total of 134 staff members, including administrative personnel.

25 Years Ago August 11, 1999 Voters authorize $1.4 million school levy at Rib Lake

Citizens in the Rib Lake School District authorized a $1.4 millions levy at the annual meeting last Monday night. That is an 11.78 percent increase over last year’s levy. The actual impact of that on taxpayers is still unclear since the state has not set its budget for state aid amounts and equalized property value will not be set until October.

August 14, 2014 Forward cuts ribbon on new bank

10 Years Ago

Since coming to Medford in 2010, Forward Financial has seen tremendous growth “Our plan was not to build a branch, but to build a bank.”

Those were the words of Forward Financial CEO Bill Sennholz Friday afternoon to a group of more than 80 area business and civic leaders. He explained the statement reflects the bank’s philosophy of meeting the banking needs of each of the communities they serve.