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“We thought it was a ….

“We thought it was a …. “We thought it was a ….

“We thought it was a great way for us to leave a lasting legacy in the community which has supported Nestlé Pizza especially the Tombstone brand in the community since 1962,” said David Siverling the Human Resources Manager at Nestlé Pizza.

“Standing here, getting ready to break ground on our new bandshell brings back many nostalgic memories for me of my parents packing up our wood sided station wagon and heading down to this area to watch the Medford City Band play concerts. My favorite part of the evening was always when each song ended, instead of clapping we honked the horns on our cars to show appreciation,” Emmerich said. “What you have done is helped to give future generations the ability to experience not only music of all genres but arts in general. To educate our children and their children in the vast array of arts that are offered,” Emmerich said.

Emmerich praised Mayor Mike Wellner, members of the city council and city coordinator Joe Harris who served as project leader with getting to this point.

The new bandshell is expected to be completed by late fall and work is underway to plan for a regular performance schedule for the park for next summer.

In the future, the band shell will also be used as part of the Parkfest celebration and be available for use by community groups and events.

David Siverling Human Resources Manager at Nestlé Pizza.

Sue Emmerich of the Medford Area Chamber of Commerce.

Mayor Mike Wellner