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Opposes mining exploration in National Forest

Vox Pop

GreenLight Metals has conditional approval from the DNR to drill up to eight exploratory holes in a search for gold and copper deposits 19 miles north of Medford. This is the third time exploratory drilling that has taken place as previous exploration failed to provide adequate information regarding the safety of the drilling. The mine plans to dispose of acidic waste from the drill holes below the groundwater level in sump pits dug 10 feet deep on the forest floor. However, the US Forest Service confirms that the groundwater at the drill sites is connected to the north fork of the Yellow River. Whatever chemical is used during the drilling process may move into the Yellow River.

A list of critical minerals according to the US Geological Survey in 2022 did not list either gold or copper as critical to the US economy despite GLM’s claim to the contrary. No mining of metals has ever been completed without significant sulfide pollution of local water supplies.

It appears that GreenLight Metals has plans and projections, but has no developed mines. Projections made by the company are only that—projections which may not actually occur. Their presentation material on GreenLight Metals website lists legal disclaimers for prospective shareholders. Those disclaimers serve as cautionary points when the company presents information to local officials and residents.

Experiences in western Wisconsin with sand mining are a cautionary tale for Taylor County. Many of the mines are shut down, leaving unreclaimed land (wasteland). Several have simply gone into bankruptcy to rid themselves of huge debts. GreenMetals has the mining rights in Taylor County because the former owner, Aquila, went bankrupt. Mining is an on and off operation. It is highly mechanized with limited job opportunities and it is highly destructive to the land and water.

— Glory Adams Eau Claire