Salutatorian address
Hello everyone, thank you for coming. While writing this speech I revisited some of my memories of gilman high school and how many of those memories I will be losing after tonight. But as I thought about what I would be presenting to you tonight I had remembered a quote from one of the best cinematic universes — the Marvel universe.
I’ve been watching these movies since I was little with my family. Always excited to see the new crazy ideas they come up with. There are a lot of good quotes you could refer to. But the quote that I am referring to is “It’s not about how much we have lost but how much we have left.” Tony Stark, “Avengers Endgame.”
So ultimately today we should not be thinking about how much we are losing by graduating. Really if you think about it we have gained more from the years we have spent together as a class. Learning not only school lessons but life lessons whether it be through our academics, sports, clubs or our socialism with our classmates. The skills we have learned on our own and together will never be lost. We will use the memories and lessons, the good and the bad. To help us make brighter smarter choices for our futures.
After today we will all be branching off into different directions and making our own choices, meeting our own deadlines and suffering the ups and downs of life. Some of us have already had a taste of the real world through jobs or volunteer work. But the years we have spent together from my point of view I have no doubt that this class will be determined to accomplish whatever we set our minds to. Whether it be going on to college or straight to the workforce we will do our best to make the most of what is given to us.
Growing up in a small town has given us so many opportunities to accomplish our goals and figure out what we want to be in the future. Having the privilege to know so many students in this high school throughout the years and making lifelong friendships is something that I would never trade for anything. I could never imagine not meeting any of you guys, you have helped me find who I am. I alone have grown so much from freshman year. From how welcoming everyone in this school and class is, I had no trouble stepping out of my comfort zone and taking chances that my younger self would have never thought to make today. Of course there were bumps in the road but that happens to everyone.
That is one of the lessons I have learned throughout school that I will never forget. People make mistakes but the only way to succeed and keep achieving your goals is to take that mistake, learn from it and throw it in the trash with the others cause it won’t be the only one. You’ll get a bad grade or you’ll forget that you had to get a sheet signed by your parents but just put there initials down because how would the teachers know the difference between the full name or the initial.
Nobody’s going to remember any of that stuff, they’ll remember the fun and exciting memories that were made.
For the younger classmen who still have the chances to make these silly mistakes and learn from them. Don’t be afraid to take any opportunity you can. We all have so much time left to do just that. We will use what we have gained, not lost, to help improve the time we have left outside of school.
Graduation is a time of celebration to acknowledge the accomplishments and hard work we have put ourselves through throughout the years. Today we should express the same gratitude we have received from our family, friends and teachers. Graduation is not just an endpoint, it is a stepping stone towards our futures Now I would have never thought or had the opportunity to accomplish all the things I have without the support of my parents. They have been there through thick and thin no matter what the obstacle is. They guide me through it, letting me make my own choices so I learn on my own. They have been my role models from before I can even remember. Whether it be mom staying after practice or going to the gym on weekends or helping me with my homework. She is always there for me and has taught me how to be strong. I hope to be just as confident and courageous as you are some day. And dad you have shown me the values of hard work and determination. I am going to add that I have never been blocked on more shots in my life than I have by you, although when he gets on offense I can’t stop laughing.
You are the hardest working man I have ever met and the most caring person always giving me advice on tough situations. I hope to be just as proud of the career I choose as you are.
Last but not least Reece Lee you are my best friend and I don’t know what I am going to do without you holy moly, even though we are 5 years apart I have never been closer to anyone. Archery with you was so fun and I will miss it dearly. I can’t wait to watch you grow up and be the successful woman I know you will be, you are and will always be my best friend. Thank you guys so much for everything you have done for me and will continue to do for me I have no doubt.
Thank you staff and class of 2023 for giving me unforgettable memories. We have worked hard to achieve this milestone so be proud of yourselves. I could never have done it without you all. Good luck to all of you. It’s been fun. Thank you. — Tatum Weir