Opportunity for Greatness
When I was asked to give a graduation speech I was excited for the opportunity to share my thoughts. I started thinking about what I could talk about, and it occurred to me I could write about almost anything. I talked to Theo to make sure we didn’t cover any of the same topics. I found out what type of speech he was giving and I realized that I had to give the classic, We did it, class of 2023, let’s go accomplish our dreams and do great things kind of speech. So class of 2023, Congratulations, Go do some good work and accomplish your goals. Alright, now that I finished the required classic graduation speech. I was still left with the question of what to talk about. I had quite a few ideas. But the thought of being able to talk about pretty much anything really fascinated me. It’s not every day you get the opportunity to share your own thoughts and opinions in front of a large audience. I soon realized that the best graduation speech topic was exactly that. Opportunity, I have the opportunity to give a graduation address, and that’s exactly what I want to talk about.
“Let me tell you something kid, everybody gets one chance to do something great. Most people never take the chance, either they’re too scared or they don’t recognize it when it spits on their shoes.” -Babe Ruth, some of you might recognize this quote, and for those of you that don’t, it’s from a great classic movie… The Sandlot, a movie about baseball, growing up, and friendships. Now although this quote may seem profound, I’m not so sure that I completely agree with it. It says that you are given one chance to do something great. One, that’s it, just one. I’m sure almost everyone in here can name at least two things they have done that are pretty great. I want to redefine what greatness means for most of you. Greatness doesn’t have to be hitting the game-winning shot, receiving an A+ on your test, or getting a promotion at work. I believe life presents opportunities every day for you to do something great.
Extending forgiveness, showing patience, taking a risk by trying something new, or persevering when times are tough. Maybe you even talk to the person sitting by themselves at lunch, encourage a friend who’s having a rough day, or buy the stranger behind you their lunch. Now although these things may feel small at the time and not look like greatness to you at all.
Consider the other side of the exchange. In that very moment, you may be a hero to them. It could very well be the single greatest act of greatness they experience that day, that week, that month, or maybe even that year. Greatness doesn’t have to come in the huge extravagant moments. There are opportunities every single day for you to be great.
Take a moment and think about all the people in your life that have seized an opportunity to be great. Think about the impact it has made on your life. Maybe these were parents, friends, coworkers, or even neighbors. Regardless, they took advantage of an opportunity and made greatness happen, and guess what, you remembered it.
I know for me, my dad has always been a great example of what achieving greatness in life looks like. He’s a wonderful husband, an awesome coach, and an even better dad. We have shared countless hours together talking about sports, hunting, and just life in general. He leads by example each and every day. He has taught me so much in life. So thank you, Dad, for being a role model in my life, and pursuing greatness in all that you do. I would encourage all of you to thank the person that strives for greatness in your life. Follow their example and strive for greatness in your own life. You never know when the next opportunity is going to come.
By now I would hope that most of you have figured out that opportunity and greatness go hand in hand. In order to be great, you must have the opportunity, and when the opportunity does arrive, please, pursue nothing short of greatness. I said I had already given the classic graduation speech, but I’m thinking this whole address was kind of a typical one. That’s ok, I think it is an important message.
Greatness shouldn’t be limited by your age, your social status, or even your raw talent. Greatness is about seeing the opportunity and putting forth your best effort. I want to close with this. Although you may have more than one chance to do something great in life, I can guarantee your opportunities are not limitless. So when you wake up and roll out of bed each day, I challenge you to strive for greatness, not just once, but with every given opportunity.
— Michael Borchardt