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From past files of The Star News 10 YEARS AGO

May 2, 2013

“A community bank is only as strong as the community it serves,” said Michael Daniels, president and chief operating officer of Green Bay-based Nicolet National Bank.

Daniels co-founded Nicolet in 2000 along with his partner Bob Atwell, who serves as chairman and CEO of Nicolet, with that philosophy of service in mind. He explained what this means in practice is strong community banks must be at the heart of their community’s economic growth and be active in those communities.

Daniels was in Medford this week overseeing the changeover of the former Mid-Wisconsin Bank properties to Nicolet.

It was the end of one era and the beginning of a new one for banking in the Medford area this week as Mid-Wisconsin Bank locations closed their doors for the last time on Friday afternoon to reopen on Monday morning as part of Nicolet.“It is a new beginning,” Daniels said, describing it as a chance for the banking institution to move forward into the future.


May 6, 1998

As might be expected, County Board Chairman Herb Bergmann turned in the biggest bill for per diem and mileage last year, claiming $4,550 and $1,193 respectively. That, added to the $1,200 he got for serving as the County’s administrative coordinator, plus meals while attending seminars, etc. brought his total up to $7,017.


May 3, 1973

The Medford area public school system has announced that a formal dedication of Dodsworth Hall will be held at the school forest site Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. The forest is located east of Medford on highway 64 in the town of Goodrich.

The hall is being dedicated to the late Orvus Dodsworth, president of the former Taylor County Normal school and superintendent of Medford Area Schools.


May 6, 1948

The annual Mother’s day breakfast sponsored by the Medford Knights of Columbus council will be held Sunday morning, May 9 at the Holy Rosary School auditorium. The breakfast, which is for all married ladies of the Holy Rosary parish, will follow the 8:30 high mass.

Floyd Roberts is serving as general chairman of the breakfast and is being assisted by Al Bauer as chairman of the food, and Al Oster as program chairman.


May 3, 1923

Buyers took some bargains away from theThird Annual Sale of the Taylor County Holsteins held at the Fair Grounds yesterday. Various circumstances helped to make some good animals go very cheap. The Wood County Guernsey sale, including the famous Blodgett herd, attracted many of the speculative buyers to Marshfield yesterday; delay in getting at seeding kept many neighboring farmers from attending.

Bull calves sold well. The best price for a grade cow was $97.50. A two months pure bred heifer brought $105.


May 7, 1898

F.M. Perkins was appointed post master Wednesday last by President McKinley, He will take possession of the office as soon as Mr. Ryan’s term expires.

A Knights of Honor Lodge will be organized at Perkinstown on Saturday evening next with about forty charter members of the order from this city will attend and assist in the work of organizing.

G.W. Liebig formerly of the Rib Lake Mercantile Co., purchased B. Hoey’s stock of goods last Monday and is now conducting the business in the Bodle House stand. Mr Liebeg seems to be an active and energetic business man and will doubtless succeed.