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From past files of The Star News 10 YEARS AGO March 14, 2013

At Tuesday’s city council committee of the whole meeting, aldermen gave preliminary approval to hiring Melvins of Abbotsford for the summer road and utility projects and to Switlick and Sons of Athens for work in the industrial park. Six bids were received last Thursday during the city bid opening and were reviewed by the city’s engineers at Ayres Associates. According to Michael Stoffel of Ayers, the engineering estimate for the total work to be done was $1,452,000.

25 YEARS AGO March 18, 1998

The Rib Lake School Board last week hired The Ladd Group consulting firm from Spring Green to help the district take the first steps toward deciding whether or not to have a building referendum. That agreement includes a consultant’s fee of $7,500 plus $200 per million dollars of a building project. According to Don Ladd of The Ladd Group, if the board decides to go ahead with a referendum and it passes, that fee will possibly be paid by the architect.

50 YEARS AGO March 15, 1973

The Medford National Guard unit’s offer to complete improvements in the Medford city park has been accepted by the Medford city council. Approval was given Thursday at an adjourned meeting of the council at city hall. Included in the project will be filling of gullies and seeding them, planting trees, eliminating roads through the park and constructing an access road as designated by the park committee of the council. Guardsmen also will construct a four-place fireplace with a shelter. The proposal was submitted by Capt. William Van Laarhoven Jr., commanding officer of company D, 724th engineer battalion.

75 YEARS AGO March 11, 1948

Approval from the federal communications commission for installation of FM radio equipment was received by Taylor county Friday afternoon. The license grants the right to operate ten units under the call letters W.J.H.F. The equipment had been purchased several weeks ago from the Electro-Pliance Distributors, 2458 W. Libson St., Milwaukee, and is the product of the Motorola company. The county board sanctioned purchase of the equipment at the November meeting.

100 YEARS AGO March 15, 1923

The Community Sale at Stetsonville yesterday was the first of its kind held this season, and everything considered it was a successful first effort. Roy Mathias had charge of same, with A. J. Greiner clerk and O. H. Capelle auctioneer. One Holstein cow sold for $87. A good system of tagging and handling the stock and articles was used by the Stetsonville men in charge.

125 YEARS AGO March 12, 1898

Logging operations in Taylor county have been ceased for the winter, with the exception of the camp run by Chas. Squires for Jos. Gibson & Son, where they are still hauling logs at a rate of more than 50,000 feet daily. This they expect to continue for another two weeks if the weather will permit.