From past files of The Star News 10 YEARS AGO
September 13, 2012
On a four to three vote the Rib Lake Board of Education decided to allow teachers from the school district to speak at future meetings concerning the development of the employee handbook that will replace their contract when it expires. At its meeting on September 6, board president Jerry Blomberg and members Scott Everson, Marlene Rymer, and Joan Magnuson voted in favor of permitting teachers to address the board. The handbook will be developed as a result of Wisconsin Act 10, the state law which did away with most of the collective bargaining rights of public employees.
September 10, 1997
The intensive sanctions (electronic ankle bracelets) program in Taylor County is still alive and well even though Governor Tommy Thompson opted last week to freeze the states version of the program pending its review. “It hasn’t affected our program at all,” Sheriff Bill Breneman said. The county and the state operate their respective intensive sanctions programs independently of each other. The program for both was initiated in 1992.
September 14, 1972
Buster Keaton, one of the all time greats of movie comedy, will be seen in, “The General,” Tuesday, at 7:30 p.m. in the gymnasium of the University of Wisconsin center-Medford. The film is the first in a series, “Fun Flicks,” which will show some the classic comedies. The series is sponsored by the UW Center Arts and Lectures committee. Admission is free.
September 11, 1947
Opening of a new public library in the community hall at Westboro last Wednesday evening attracted a fair sized crowd of those interested in the promotion of the project. George Fredrickson, chairman of the Westboro Community club, presided at the opening of the meeting after which the program was given over to the library board.
September 14, 1922
Mrs. Chas. Pitkze has definitely decided that she will make the race for sheriff at the November election. She was defeated for the nomination at the primary by Frank Bauer, so it will be necessary for her to have her name placed on the ballot at the general election by circulating nomination papers asking that it to be so placed.
September 18, 1897
Two old landmarks have disappeared since our last issue. The old wooden bridge crossing the river at the mill yard broke its back last Saturday and went down. The accident was caused by old age and general debility, as it had not been used for some years. The parts were removed from the stream and we presume a more recent arrival than ourself would readily say that the general appearance of the river was much improved.