Beef in the Classroom grant applications open
The Wisconsin Beef Council is helping teachers incorporate beef products into middle and high school curriculum across the state as part of its annual Beef in the Classroom Grant Program for the 2022-2023 school year.
“It is crucial to provide these students with the resources they need to understand how beef can play a role in their everyday lives,” Angie Horkan, Wisconsin Beef Council director of marketing, said. “We are proud to offer these grants to stimulate conversations about raising beef, utilizing the product, and finding careers in the industry.”
Focused on Family and Consumer Science and Agriculture classes, this program helps teachers strengthen their lessons about lean beef selection, storage, preparation, and nutrition by having funds available to buy and prepare beef with their students.
Last year, Gary Olson at Jefferson High School used the grant to host a blind taste-testing activity and teach about the different characteristics of beef cuts.
“Each year, more of my students are becoming further removed from knowing where their food comes from or how it is produced, including beef,” Olson said. “The ability to include a food lab with our activities was very helpful for engaging the students.
In the Fall River School District, Melissa Litherland utilized the grant to discuss cooking temperatures and to host a tasting/food sensory lab.
“This is a wonderful program and a great way to showcase beef in the classroom,” Litherland said. “Students loved to cook with meat, and I loved being able to explain farming practices, pricing, production, etc. in a farm to table way.” Sheila Kroseberg in Waupaca uses the funds for an introduction to culinary course.
“This grant allows us to actually use meat in our lab,” Kroseberg said. “Students are extremely engaged, love the smell of beef cooking, and are successful. I’m impressed with how well they made the steak!”
The Wisconsin Beef Council (WBC) received 130 grant applications in the 20212022 school year, reaching 9,227 students. In total, WBC granted $17,843 to continue beef education.
The grant reimburses teachers between $100-$300 per school each year depending upon class size. Senior and junior high Family and Consumer Science Classrooms and Agriculture Education Classrooms are eligible to apply. The fall grant application period will open on September 19 and closes October 1.
More information about how to apply and a directory of teacher resources can be found at the-classroom.