From past files of The Star News 10 YEARS AGO
September 6, 2012
In 1954 a group of Medford Lions gathered to plan a banquet to honor all citizens of Medford who had attained the age of 80. The 59th annual Medford Lions Club Octogenarian banquet will be held Wednesday, September 26 at the Simek Center in Medford. A dinner with all the trimmings will be served by the Medford Lions. Invitations will be mailed to last year’s attendees with a request to RSVP by September 21.
September 3, 1997
The City of Medford’s auditors at Anderson, Tackman & Company made up a list of procedural problems that the city staff should deal with while the firm was working on the audit. The management letter was presented to the Common Council on July 1. City Administrator Richard Johnston has now offered answers to the firm’s criticisms in a letter approved by the Council last week.
September 7, 1972
The issuing of school building bonds in the amount of $625,000 will be placed before Gilman area school district electors Tuesday during the primary elections. Proposed is the construction of 45,500 square feet facilities to be added to the present Gilman high school. If approved, the addition will be added to the south end of the present structure.
September 4, 1947
The main order of business to come before a regular meeting of the city council of Medford Tuesday evening dealt with the extension of a sewer line on the American Legion property, which runs north and south along Highway 13 and adjoins the property of the Tee-High golf club. However there were several other important issues that took up the time of the city fathers, among them being discussion of lights for the high school athletic field; granting and rejecting applications to serve as bartenders.
September 7, 1922
With the Primary Election past all of Taylor County will now have time to turn to the Thirty Third Annual Taylor County Fair. The farm exhibits this year, featured by the efforts of the men and various towns will excel anything before shown. Early entries are urged by the men in charge, as entry day is a hard day at best for Secretary Zenner and the other men in charge. One change this season is the canceling of the 10 per cent entry fee.
September 11, 1897
On Sunday last a very large crowd witnessed one of the most interesting baseball games seen here this season. The opponents of the home team were the Marshfield Maroons, an aggregation of athletic young ball tossers who played just good enough to make the game interesting to the spectators. They were the victims of a slight attack of nervous prostration in the first of the game and allowed our boys to score about as often as they pleased, giving them six runs in the first inning and three in the second.