From past files of The Star News 10 YEARS AGO
August 16, 2012
On Monday August 20 crews from Peterson Construction will begin work to replace the culverts at Correction Creek along CTH O just west of the intersection with Highway 13. Workers will install two 6x9 box culverts the width of the road side by side to replace the failing culverts. Last year the state put a band-aid fix on the culverts prior to the Hwy 13 project to allow for the detour. The work starting this week will be a permanent fix.
August 13, 1997
A resolution to develop an ATV trail in the County Forest near Camp 8 near Rib Lake was unanimously approved by the Taylor County Board of Supervisors last week. The trail had been supported by both the Taylor County Tourism Council and the newly organized ATV club, and will also be used by hikers, walkers, bikers and horseback riders.
August 17, 1972
Reconstruction of Whelen Ave., from Perkins south to county trunk O past the Industrial park, was approved Tuesday night at a Medford city council meeting. It was agreed that the city employ the Taylor county highway department to complete the project under the direction of the city director of public works. Also passed was a resolution authorizing mayor George F. Meyer to consult with the state department of revenue and to ask approval of hiring additional and expert help in making a 1973 city property assessment.
August 14, 1947
It was announced this week by Henry Brehm, secretary of the Medford Evergreen Cemetery Association, that an additional twenty acres of land had been purchased from Hazel Perrodin as an addition to the present holdings. The newly acquired property is located one half mile east of the present grounds, and is on the north side of the road.
August 17, 1922
Joe Rasch, on Route One, has some early corn that is possibly the best in Taylor County. Any who can dispute the claim please step in. It will be ripe in about two weeks; it stands fourteen feet high and the ears are a foot long. Each ear holds nice even rows of kernels. The corn is of the Early Kentucky variety. Mr. Rasch raised his seed last year, and prior to that brought seed here from Fond du Lac, where he had raised it for seven years. He thinks it is the best corn for this northern country.
125 YEARS AGO August 21, 1897
Medford will be represented at the national G. A. R. Encampment at Buffalo, NY next week. Those who have signified their intention of going are Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Suits and children. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Mullally, Messrs. Henry Maurer, Paul Dumke, Marius Andersen, Theo. Ziegler and F. J. Hartwig. The party, with the exception of Mr. Suits and family, will go to Manitowoc tomorrow where they will cross lake Michigan on the car ferry to Ludington, going from there by rail, while the Suits’ go by way of Chicago, starting from here tonight.