Veterans Corner
Shellie Shaw
We have a few announcements from our Veteran’s Service Office regarding the DAV van, the Veteran’s Outreach Day, and additional presumptive conditions for Vietnam Veterans.
Now that the COVID numbers are down, the VA is allowing us to run the DAV van to take veterans to their VA approved appointments in the area. We have three dedicated and experienced volunteer drivers to drive vets to VA clinics in Owen, Wausau, Wisconsin Rapids, and to the VA medical centers in Madison and Tomah. Please call the office 715-748-1488 to request this service, or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer driver.
We are also planning a Veterans Outreach Day on August 28 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., for all to enjoy. The recognition ceremony begins at 9 a.m. to recognize women veterans. We are excited to have Mary M. Kolar, Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Veteran Affairs as a guest speaker. The exhibits, benefits, and job fair open at 10 a.m. and runs through 1 p.m. You can enjoy live music by Red Higgins and the Freedom Train while enjoying lunch catered by Marilyn’s Fire Station and Catering, or brats, burgers, and beverages served by the Medford VFW post members during our Welcome Home Celebration that ends at 3 p.m.. There is more to the day than what was mentioned above, and we hope to see you there.
If you are a Vietnam Veteran or are a dependent of a deceased Vietnam Veteran, we encourage you to come in to discuss benefits you may be eligible for as Congress has added hypothyroidism, bladder cancer, and Parkinson’slike symptoms to the presumptive conditions due to herbicide exposure (Agent Orange). These added conditions are included in the Nehmer class, which means the VA must identify all claims for the currently recognized condition that was previously claimed and denied. The VA must also pay retroactive disability and death benefits to the veterans or their survivors back to the date of the veteran’s initial claim. This has been expanded to Blue Water Navy Veterans, as well. Veterans who served in Thailand, Korea, and other areas may have been exposed and affected by Agent Orange. Please call the office to make an appointment if you think you could be eligible.
— Shellie Shaw, Taylor County Veteran Service Officer