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From past files of The Star News


January 27, 2011

A flooded basement at a Main Street business is not the city’s problem, says the city’s insurance company and council members agreed Monday night recommending a claim for $6,500 in damages be denied.

On the morning of Thursday, Sept. 2, a storm system pushed through Taylor County, dumping more than an inch of rain over a 40 minute time period.

Prior to the storm, the city crew had been working on replacing some curbs and storm drains in the municipal parking lot located off of Second Street. The gravel was in place and awaiting the standard fourinch layer of blacktop. This meant water would have had to go up four inches before flowing into the drains on the football field sized parking lot.

According to Larry Etten, that didn’t happen and instead the water from the parking lot flowed down the driveway across the alley and into the back parking area of Uncommon Ground.


January 31, 1996

Taylor County residents were still digging out Tuesday morning, after the second big snowstorm of the month dumped an additional eight inches of snow on the area Friday afternoon and evening. That was followed with another one- to three-inches of snow on Sunday that was then whipped by high winds to create widespread drifting.


January 28, 1971

Busy and talkative, the 21-man county board of supervisors Tuesday disposed of nine resolutions, several petitions and acted on routine matters in a hectic one-day session.

Consuming much time during the morning session was the shoreland ordinance passed just before the noon break. The ordinance, which controls land use on lakeshore 1,000 feet in depth and 300 feet on either side of navigable streams, is a requirement as set down by the state’s water resources act of 1966. Conformity by counties is demanded in February of this year.


January 24, 1946

The 36x60 barn on the Tony Zak farm located two miles south of Stetsonville and one and a quarter miles west, was completely destroyed by fire which broke out about 1:30 o’clock Monday afternoon.

Mrs. Walter Sweet, who is living in the Zak house, noticed the smoke coming from the barn toward the house and she immediately called the Stetsonville fire department. When the fire department arrived the flames were already coming through the roof, the fire having started in the hay mow. The crew saved the pumphouse and the house which were near by. All of the livestock was saved. Twelve tons of hay and nine tons of straw burned, some feed, and also the hayloader and a harness.


January 26, 1921

The total amount collected by the Taylor County organization for the children of Germany amounts to $2584.

In addition to this, several hundred dollars have been collected through the churches, bringing the total above $3000.

The quota for the state of Wisconsin was only $750,000.00, and Taylor county’s allotment was only $100. Therefore if the other counties of the state have come anywhere near making as good a showing as Taylor county, the state will go several hundred per cent over the top.


January 25, 1896

Tallahassee, Fla., Jan. 20.— Sensational stories were afloat here last night. Gov. Mitchell, at the request of the war department in Washington, has ordered Adjt.Gen. Houston to see that the Florida militia be placed in readiness to take the field at a moment’s notice. The governor, it is reported, will call the militia out today. In the meantime the adjutant-general is quietly issuing orders. Similar requests, it is reported, have been sent to the governors of other Southern states

Remember When — 2002