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Area parents invited to learn more about ADHD at online seminar

Area parents are invited to take part in an online seminar “ADHD and the Brain - Understanding and Celebrating your Child” on Tuesday, Nov. 10 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

The program will be done virtually with participants asked to log in at: or call in at: 1-408-419-1715 with Meeting ID: 253 633936 According to Joseph Greget, director of special education/ student services at Medford Area Public School District, parents will walk away from the seminar with an understanding of what attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and the executive functions are, as well as some strategies they can implement at home to support their children. This presentation is being offered through the Children’s Hospital Outreach Program.

The program presenter, Kristine Shiverick, M.Ed., ACG, CACP is a professionally trained ADHD and Executive Function Coach. As founder of A.B.L.E Coaching for ADHD, she provides coaching to help individuals and families impacted by ADHD learn about the unique wiring of the ADHD brain, discover effective strategies, minimize the challenges of ADHD, and live the life they want to live. She believes in taking a strength-based approach to help her clients grow in all areas of their lives.

Thirteen years ago Shiverick and her husband were told by their son’s first grade teacher that she had some concerns about his ability to pay attention in the classroom. Since having her son tested and diagnosed with ADHD-predominantly inattentive type, she has been on a quest to learn all she can about ADHD and provide him with the best possible support services.

Shiverick realized early-on that finding someone who truly understood ADHD was going to be a difficult task.

Her passion for learning about ADHD and helping individuals and families impacted by this unique brain wiring lead her to a career in ADHD coaching. Shiverick’s son is her inspiration and coaching has felt like a natural progression from her B.A. in Severe Special Needs Education, an M.Ed. in Early Childhood Education and parenting a child with ADHD.

Shiverick received her basic, advanced and family ADHD coach training through the ADD Coach Academy. She is actively involved in the field of ADHD coaching where she provides private coaching to students, adults and families, as well as runs an ADHD parent support group in her local community, and co-facilitates a virtual college support group for ADDA.

The program is brought to the community through the CARES for Parents Series through a Department of Public Instruction Mental Health Grant from Medford Area Public School District.