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Shut down

Shut down Shut down

Taylor County Public Health Director Patty Krug and Medford Mayor Mike Wellner issued a joint statement last week that all non-essential gatherings of more than 250 people are to be suspended for the next 30 days following the lead of state health officials.

Under an executive order from Gov. Tony Evers, on Monday, that threshold was reduced to 50 people then on Tuesday the threshold was reduced to 10 with sweeping restrictions closing schools and bars indefinitely and requiring restaurants to only do take out service, The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) recommends that all non-essential gatherings of 10 or more people be cancelled or postponed statewide to help protect Wisconsinites from the spread of COVID-19, particularly


19 CORONAVIRUS those who are most vulnerable to infection and severe disease. DHS supports the decisions of any event organizers that elect to cancel or postpone events with less than 50 attendees in order to protect their communities. Organizers should consider the following:

_ Potential for attendance from older adults, individuals with underlying health care conditions, or other vulnerable groups

_ Potential for attendance from individuals from a wide range of geographic areas across Wisconsin, the United States, or other countries

_ The setting of the event, particularly if it involves sustained interaction between attendees in close physical proximity The directives have resulted in the cancellation of the Twisted Threads Quilt Show, the Medford Area Chamber of Commerce Home and Business Expo, Health and Wellness Expo and Bridal Shows scheduled to take place next weekend at the school campus and Simek Recreation Center. In addition, the Dr. Seuss’s Birthday Celebration at the Frances L. Simek Memorial Library scheduled for March 14 was canceled. (Go to for an updated listing of cancellations and postponments.) Access restrictions have also been imposed for nursing and care facilities.

The statement came when Gov. Tony Evers declared a public health emergency due to COVID-19.

According to Krug, the state recognizes that these aggressive measures are disruptive to people’s lives and they are not undertaken lightly. Krug said the state is being aggressive in combating the virus with the hope of preventing deaths that have occurred in other states.

Krug was quick to note that essential gatherings include schools, government meetings, factories and most places of employment, stores and restaurants. All of these will remain open and operational during this time.

Krug had initially advised the churches where there may be more than 50 people gathered to ask people to attend other services or remain home. With the added restrictions imposed as of 5 p.m. Tuesday, churches were included on the list of gathering places that were shut down.

This order includes, but is not limited to mass gatherings at public or private schools, auditoriums, theaters, movie theaters, museums, stadiums, arenas, conference rooms, meeting halls, exhibition centers, taverns, health and fitness centers, recreation centers, licensed pools, and places of worship and religious gatherings.

Effective at 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18, all public and private schools and institutions of higher education in the State of Wisconsin shall close for instructional and extracurricular activities at 5 p.m. Such institutions shall remain closed for the duration of the public health emergency or until a subsequent order lifts this specific restriction.

Mass gatherings and large community events bring people from multiple communities into close contact with each other, which has the potential to increase COVID-19 transmission. One method to slow the spread of respiratory virus infections, including COVID-19, is by increasing social distancing (reducing close contact). There is evidence from the scientific literature that limiting the size and number of mass gathering events is an effective tool for preventing the spread of disease and slowing the progression of epidemics.

By implementing limitations on mass gatherings, DHS is intending to slow the spread of this epidemic to a level such that the healthcare system is able to maintain quality care for patients. Mass gatherings during an outbreak of a particularly infectious disease such as COVID-19 have the potential to result in large numbers of ill people that can quickly overwhelm local hospitals and clinics.

In response to the academic and economic impacts these school closures have, the Department of Public Instruction (DPI) will implement policy changes which seek to eliminate challenges facing schools, educators, students, and families.

On Monday, the DPI announced it will waive state mandated hour requirements to districts requesting to do so during the ongoing public health emergency. Districts will still need to file a waiver, per state law, but the DPI will work to ensure an expedited process. Additionally, the DPI is asking Gov. Tony Evers to suspend a portion of the Wisconsin Administrative Code temporarily, so districts can use one simplified form and have it granted immediately. The DPI expects the process to be implemented through the coming weeks.

Additionally, the DPI is aggressively pursuing a waiver request to the U.S. Department of Education as it relates to mandated assessments. The DPI will work with the Wisconsin State Legislature and Gov. Evers around suspending state testing requirements this spring due to the unprecedented circumstances. Discussions will continue around the potential impact these policy changes have with regard to the DPI’s annual Accountability Report Cards.

“The DPI is taking action to remove barriers that may be in the way of our schools and students during these trying times,” State Superintendent Carolyn Stanford Taylor said. “I am proud of our schools and communities, who remain focused on providing continuity of learning, and providing meals and other resources to students who may need them.”

Students from economically-disadvantaged families will also have access to school meals during school closures, as the DPI’s requested Summer Food Service Program and Seamless Summer Option waiver to the U.S. Department of Agriculture was approved.

The local closure statements came after similar statements from the WIAA which is limiting access to athletic competitions. In addition state, regional and national organizations including the NBA and NCAA have imposed restrictions or suspended their seasons. Earlier last week, President Donald Trump announced a travel ban for travel to and from the European Union.

Krug advises people not to panic, noting the actions at this point are preventative to hopefully contain the spread of the disease in the state.

People should continue to follow simple steps to avoid getting sick including:

_ Frequent and thorough hand washing with soap and water.

_ Covering of coughs and sneezes.

_ Avoiding touching your face.

_ Staying home when sick Krug directs people to the county website at https:// for the most current updates impacting Taylor County residents.