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Cadott outpaces much of the competition at Stanley

Cadott outpaces much of the competition at Stanley Cadott outpaces much of the competition at Stanley

By Ginna Young Despite a warm, muggy day, the Cadott cross country athletes still finished in top spots Sept. 12, at Stanley-Boyd.

“The weather was blistering, with 83 as the high,” said coach Dan Yeager.

However, that didn’t slow down the boys team, who placed second, behind McDonell runners.

Individually, Beau Steinke ran for third, in a time of 18:13, with junior Saibyn Will next, just missing out on a medal, with 12th place (20:05). Continuing to build confidence, freshman Jacob Pilgrim was 15th (20:44), while sophomore Kaden Roen placed 17th (21:18).

Sophomore Jon Phelps was a few paces behind, for 19th (21:30), while sophomore Garret Engel was 24th (22:03) and sophomore Klay Handrick ran his best time of the year, finishing 42nd (24:47).

“He has been working through his running form and making slight adjustments,” said Yeager. “It has been fun to watch these young men grow in experience and confidence, there are great things to come for such a young group.”

Sophomore Max Demulling rounded out the boys side, with a 52nd place (25:40).

For the girls, the team ended in fourth, with senior Cortney Weggen taking the fifth place spot (23:31), with a new personal record. The second runner in, was senior Mia Weggen, finishing in 26th (28:38), while senior McKenna Steinke was 28th (29:12), with freshman Saffron Riley-Starck right on her heels, in 29th (29:39).

Coming in as a group, sophomore Tessa York placed 33rd (31:00), with senior Adrianna Goodman in 34th and junior Marley Mengel placing 35th, both in a time of 31:09.

“We have to get healthy and be ready for the end of the season,” said Yeager. “This group has a great opportunity to do something special this season.”

(To the left) McKenna Steinke, Cadott senior, legged it for the finish line Sept. 12, after completing the course at Stanley-Boyd.

Photo by Ginna Young