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Loyal-Greenwood falls to Colby

Loyal-Greenwood falls to Colby Loyal-Greenwood falls to Colby

The Loyal-Greenwood football team came home from Colby with a loss, falling 44-0 on Sept. 13. The team struggled to make any offensive headway during the game, being set back by an early fumble that kicked out the team’s momentum.

“The fumble on our first offensive play was the start of it,” said head coach Chris Lindner about the team’s struggles during the game. “And then not being able to move the ball offensively and being on our end of the field the whole first half… Colby came ready to play and we were not ready.”

LG will play at Amherst this Friday and will be back home on Sept. 27 for a game against Wittenberg-Birnamwood. Lindner said the team will have to learn from its loss in Colby in order to spring back.

“We need to get back to the basics in every aspect of the game. We need to improve on working together as a team.”

While the team lost the game, the community itself experienced a win as the people of Colby raised more than $4,400 during the game that was donated towards helping those affected by the fire that struck the city the day before the game. Lindner said the gesture from the people of Colby was very appreciated.

“ I think it was awesome to see. That is what small towns do for each other. Very impressed and many thank you’s to them.”

At top left, Colten Sandelier breaks through the line of scrimmage to try to gain some yards for LG. At top right, Isaac Zabel runs through the backfield on his kickoff return while at left, Eli Zettler drops back to attempt a pass. Below, senior Tryn Scheel carries the ball.