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2024 CONNOR SCRAMBLE - New championship team in 37th Connor Scramble

New championship team in 37th Connor Scramble
2024 Larry Connor Memorial Scramble champions Mark Bartman and Charlie Paulson. SUBMITTED PHOTOS
New championship team in 37th Connor Scramble
2024 Larry Connor Memorial Scramble champions Mark Bartman and Charlie Paulson. SUBMITTED PHOTOS


A fast start put Charlie Paulson and Mark Bartman in the lead and they shot well enough in the last two rounds to keep that lead to earn their first championship in the 37th annual Larry Connor Memorial Scramble held Saturday, Aug. 10 at Black River Golf Course.

Paulson and Bartman used a two on the par-4 fourth and threes on the par-4 sixth and eighth holes to come in with a

4-under-par 32 on the first nine holes, and they carded 34s in each of the ensuing rounds to finish at an even 100 for the 27hole event. With that 8-under-par total, they finished two strokes ahead of defending champions Pete Liske and Tim Rau, who had pulled even with Paulson and Bartman with a 32 on their middle nine holes, but shot a 36 on the final nine.

Two other teams in the championship flight also earned final scores of 102 in the scramble. Jordan Dahl and Tim Hartzell were one shot off the lead after nine holes, slipped to two back with a 35 in their middle nine and couldn’t quite catch up with a closing 34. Terry Johnson and Ben Gorichs shot a 32 on their final nine, but couldn’t quite close the gap after shooting 35s on each of their first two rounds.

Vince Wojcik and Dustin Roiger (105), Steve Voss and Craig Perrin (106) and Jason Gardner and John Lange (108) rounded out the championship flight.

There were 28 two-person teams in this year’s tournament, putting seven teams in each of the four flights.

The 2022 champions, Trevor Dahl and Aaron Gilles, won the first flight with a score of 107. Their first-round 37 left them a stroke away from potentially making the championship flight. Scores of 34 and 36 from there clinched a two-shot margin in the first flight the teams of Mike Retterath and Bob Reisenberg and David and Lucas Fuchs.

In the second flight, Bill and Jack Connor, nephews of Larry Connor, shot a 105 and won a tiebreaker hole over Zak Rau and Trent Ballerstein for the flight title. Both teams rebounded from first-round 38s with scores of 34 and 33 in their next two rounds.

Longtime tournament participants led the third flight as Bob and Dave Brandner edged Ryan Waldhart and Troy Schroeder 116-117 for the victory.

The long-running event is held in honor of Larry Connor, who was an avid golfer and a popular teacher and boys basketball coach at Medford Area Senior High. He competed statewide and nationwide in the Amputee Golf Association before passing away at age 45 in 1988.

37th annual Larry Connor Memorial Scramble results Black River Golf Course, 27 holes, par 108 Championship Flight

1. Charlie Paulson/Mark Bartman: 32, 34, 34 –– 100

2. Pete Liske/Tim Rau: 34, 32, 36 –– 102

3. Jordan Dahl/Tim Hartzell: 33, 35, 34 –– 102

4. Terry Johnson/Ben Gorichs: 35, 35, 32 –– 102

5. Vince Wojcik/Dustin Roiger: 35, 38, 32 –– 105

6. Steve Voss/Craig Perrin: 33, 35, 38 –– 106

7. Jason Gardner/John Lange: 36, 38, 34 –– 108 First Flight

1. Trevor Dahl/Aaron Gilles: 37, 34, 36 –– 107

2. Mike Retterath/Bob Reisenberg: 36, 37, 36 –– 109

3. David Fuchs/Lucas Fuchs: 37, 37, 35 –– 109

4. Gary Graham/Ed Mohr: 36, 38, 36 –– 110

5. Marshall Kleist/Chuck Schultz: 37, 38, 36 –– 111

6. Myles Connor/Dave Connor: 36, 39, 37 –– 112

7. Tony Kleifgen/Don Wright: 37, 38, 38 –– 113 Second Flight

1. Bill Connor/Jack Connor: 38, 34, 33 –– 105

2. Zak Rau/Trent Ballerstein: 38, 33, 34 –– 105

3. Jon Knoll/Justin Mayer: 38, 37, 38 –– 113

4. Rob Keefe/Brian Brink: 38, 39, 40 –– 117

5. Jason Viergutz/Shane Viergutz: 39, 37, 41 –– 117

6. Jason Christianson/Mark Brahmer: 38, 39, 41 –– 118

7. Todd Medenwaldt/Lea Eggebrecht: 39, 39, 44 –– 122 Third Flight

1. Bob Brandner/Dave Brandner: 40, 37, 39 –– 116

2. Ryan Waldhart/Troy Schroeder: 40, 39, 38 –– 117

3. Brad Jentzsch/Kurt Werner: 40, 40, 40 –– 120

4. Mike Brandner/Jesse Clark: 40, 41, 39 –– 120

5. Cory Laher/Miles Searles: 41, 39, 42 –– 122

6. Neal Waldhart/Matt Kleczewski: 43, 41, 40 –– 124

7. Amy Rohweder/Christy Peterson: 43, 44, 44 –– 131

This year’s first flight winners in the Connor Scramble are Trevor Dahl and Aaron Gilles.

Bill and Jack Connor are this year’s second flight winners in the Connor Scramble.

Bob and Dave Brandner earned the third flight title in the Connor Scramble, held Aug. 10 at Black River Golf Course.