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Lechleitner closes out the year with her 1,000th point

Lechleitner closes out the year with her  1,000th point Lechleitner closes out the year with her  1,000th point

Emma Lechleitner scored her 1,000th point on a lay-up Dec. 27, on Lake Holcombe’s home court, as they faced Butternut. Amid the loud applause and a few tears, the game was paused so Lechleitner could soak in the accomplishment. Photo by Ginna Young

By Ginna Young

Only 10 games into the season, on her home court Dec. 27, in front of family and friends, Lake Holcombe senior Emma Lechleitner captured her 1,000th point. Until the season started, she didn’t even know how close she was to hitting that mark, but her mom/former coach was keeping count and informed her she had a real chance to make it by the halfway point of the season.

“It’s a lot sooner than I thought it was going to be, that’s for sure,” said Lechleitner.

Lechleitner had hoped to accomplish the feat in a conference match-up, but with Butternut coming to call when Lechleitner needed just 27 points, that wasn’t to be.

“But, honestly, I’m glad I did here,” said Lechleitner.

She’s also happy that her game ball was placed by her older sister’s, from when she hit 1,000 a few years ago.

Playing AAU since fourth grade, Lechleitner has worked hard in not just practice, but also the off-season, with a lot of direction from others.

“I wouldn’t be here without my teammates and my past coaches,” said Lechleitner. “My parents really helped a lot – they put a lot of time and effort into basketball for me.”

Lechleitner’s next goal is for her team to be conference champs, as the season rolls on.

“I think we can do it,” she said.