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Spencer ARC Park pickleball court project starts with groundbreaking

Pickleball was first introduced in Spencer in mid 2016 by Jerry Kobs, treasurer of the Area Recreation Club (ARC). The sport was very affordable to anyone looking to play. All you needed was a pickleball paddle. There were no special shoes, clothing or gear to buy. And it was a sport that anyone could play, from age of 8 to 98. The first games were played in the Olde Town Hall, with one court and just enough people to play.

By 2018, the pickleball sport had outgrown the Olde Town Hall and we started to play at the high school on Sunday nights from 6:30-8:30. As the sport continued to grow, we started using both the high school gym and the cafeteria gym, setting up five nets with more than 20 players coming on a Sunday night. Our typical season is from September through mid-June. Then the school closes for cleaning and waxing the gym floors.

This speared thoughts for some outdoor courts. Over the summer some of the players started to look at possible locations within the village. This lead to a remarkable chain of events.

On Aug. 21, an ARC picnic was hosted by Jerry and Sharon Kobs. At the picnic a short business meeting was held and the organization was revitalized with officers and board members. Of course, thoughts and ideas of outdoor pickleball courts were shared.

On Aug. 29, we were invited to a Village Park and Building Committee meeting to discuss outdoor pickleball courts. Pros and cons were discussed in redoing the existing tennis courts downtown along with plans and rough cost for that location. But the question remained: was this the best location for the outdoor courts and the long term use of this downtown area? A Community Parks Sub Committee was formed to look into the future needs of all the parks and the direction the parks should head for years to come. This committee met on Sept. 20 with the outcome that the pickleball courts should be located at the ARC Park, west of the ball field.

This conclusion was then presented at a Village Board meeting on Oct. 10, along with the first draft of a plan for six pickleball courts and a very rough draft of a budget. At this meeting the Board asked that the village Clerk Paul Hensch work

A ground-breaking event was held on Nov. 13 for the new pickleball courts to be installed next summer in the Spencer ARC Park.


directly with the ARC President and confirm the budget and plan for a Nov. 14 meeting. Plans were finalized, site staking/layout was done, grades were shot, and earthwork quotes were requested.

What was thought to be a 2023 project has now evolved into a 2022-23 project. With the generous support of Marawood Construction supplying the equipment and man hours, the Village of Spencer supplying the base course material, dump truck and loader, Mid-WI supplying a dump truck and driver along with Norm Tremmeling supplying a dump truck and two loads of gravel, we are able to prep the site, install the base course and expand the parking area yet this fall. This work was to be done Nov. 15.

The ARC Officers and Board will continue working to raise money through grants, donations, foundations, memorials, Thrivent Action Team $ and fundraisers for the courts to be completed in the early summer of 2023. Our goal is to order the equipment within the next week or two so we have it on hand for the work in 2023. This work will consist of installing the in-ground sleeves for the equipment, asphalt paving, line painting of the six courts and some final black dirt and seeding. Our main focus is to get the courts open to the public and then later as part of phase II we will look at painting the courts, fencing and benches. In the overall court design there is one-third that could be used as a tennis practice court if there is interest and support. We have also designed to have a 3-on-3 basketball hoop in the same area if there is interest and support, making part of the complex multi purposes along with enhancing all the sporting activities that take place at the Spencer ARC Park.

If you would like to donate to the project or get more information as to how you could help, contact any of the ARC officers or mail us at PO Box 65, Spencer, WI.

President; Terry Prust 715-721-0758 ; Vice President; Dale Reckner 715-660-1863 ; Secretary; Sheveney Verhulst 715-615-4941 ; Treasurer; Cindy Prust 715-305-6539 ; Co-Treasurer; Sharon Kobs 715-573-0150 ; Director; Alex Draeger 715-613-0729 ; Director; Linda Schindler 715-5071951 ; Director; Sandy Reckner 715-659-4214