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Chieftains take the axe to the charging Trojans

Chieftains take the axe to the charging Trojans Chieftains take the axe to the charging Trojans

Lake Holcombe senior Cead Ewer looks downfield to see where he is needed Sept. 15, in a home game with New Auburn. Photo by Ginna Young

By Ginna Young

Long before there were roads, there were birch trees and a legend of major least in Holcombe. Reviving the battle for the axe, the Lake Holcombe and New Auburn football teams met Sept. 15, in a West Cloverbelt Conference match-up.

While each team coveted the birch wood axe, it could belong to only one side at the end of the night and the Chieftains made sure it would stay on their home field.

Lake Holcombe jumped out to an early lead and never looked back, putting up 50 points to the Trojans 6, to pick up the first win of the season and the first conference win.