Initial appearances
Kyra Christina Merrill, 17, of Medford, pled not guilty to truancy (2nd+ offense). A pre-trial conference is scheduled for August 9 at 8:30 a.m.
Christian M. Allen, 19, of Medford, pled not guilty to operating without a valid license (3rd+ within 3 years). A pre-trial conference is scheduled for September 15, at 1 p.m. A status hearing is scheduled for October 6, at 1:30 p.m.
Margarita M. Anderson, 35, of Medford pled not guilty to the following charges: Four charges of operating while revoked (revocation due to alcohol/controlled substance/refusal), OWI (2nd with passenger <16 years old), and operating a motor vehicle without insurance. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for August 25, at 10 a.m.
Kyle James Anderson, 37, of Stetsonville, pled no contest to operating a motor vehicle without insurance. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for August 11, at 11 a.m.
Niko Fieselman, 33, of Owen, pled not guilty to animal nuisance (1st offense). A pre-trial conference is scheduled for August 11, at 11:30 a.m. A court trial is scheduled for August 16, at 10 a.m.
Cody Travis Hamm, 22, of Medford pled not guilty to OWI (first offense) and operating with PAC >=.08, <0.15 (1st offense). A pre-trial conference is scheduled for August 11, at 2 p.m. A court trial is scheduled for October 18, at 10 a.m.
Elli Mae Kramer, 20, of Rib Lake, pled not guilty to animal running at large. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for August 11, at 11:30 a.m. A court trial is scheduled for August 16, at 10 a.m.
Sheri Lynn Schafer, 50, of Conrath, pled not guilty to retail theft. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for August 9, at 9 a.m. A court trial is scheduled for September 20, at 10:30 a.m.
Coll J. Fox, 38, of Medford, pled not guilty to disorderly conduct-domestic abuse, misdemeanor bail-jumping and disorderly conduct-domestic abuse assessments. A pre-trial conference is scheduled for August 25, at 9:45 a.m. A status hearing is scheduled for September 8, at 1 p.m.
Katelyn C. Hoffmann, 26, of Stetsonville, pled not guilty to possession of THC (party to a crime) and possession of drug paraphernalia (party to a crime). A pretrial conference is scheduled for July 19, at 11 a.m.
Spencer R. Leu, 30, of Owen, pled not guilty to the following charges: disorderly conduct-domestic abuse, battery-domestic abuse, battery-domestic abuse, misdemeanor bail-jumping, possession of drug paraphernalia (party to a crime) and possession of THC (party to a crime). A pre-trial conference is scheduled for July 19, at 10 a.m. A status hearing is scheduled for August 3, at 8:45 a.m.
$175.30—Claudia Elena Aguilera Ayala, 37, of Westboro, speeding on city highway (11-15 mph over).
$200.50—Robert F. Baughman, 59, of Sheldon, trespassing.
$200.50—Lacey Elizabeth Brandner, 18, of Medford, exceeding speed zones (16-19 mph over).
$389.50—John Oliver Bunkelman, 18, of Medford, reckless driving-endanger safety.
$175.30—Ryan Christopher Check, 29, of Merrill, failure to stop at stop sign.
$200.50—Jessica Lynn Fecteau, 32, of Medford, operating a motor vehicle without insurance.
$162.70—Jessica Lynn Fecteau, 32, of Medford, operation without required lamps lighted.
$200.50—Mirca Franco, 18, of Medford, exceeding speed zones (16-19 mph over).
$225.70—Michael Skyler Edward Franz, 22, of Medford, exceeding speed zones (20-24 mph over).
$10—Charles William Geiger, 39, of Dorchester, vehicle operator failure to wear a seat belt.
$200.50—Ezekiel John Glick, 22, of Medford, operating a motor vehicle without insurance.
$200.50—Ezekiel John Glick, 22, of Medford, operating while suspended.
$263.50—John Darren Hurula, 52, of Pittsville, disorderly conduct.
$175.30—Nicholas Alexander Husser, 20, of Westboro, exceeding speed zones (11-15 mph over).
$200.50—Kurt Justin Hawkins King, 36, of Colby, operating a motor vehicle without insurance.
$162.70—Krystal Leigh Kunschke, 31, of Neenah, operating without a valid license because of expiration.
$200.50—Krystal Leigh Kunschke, 31, of Neenah, operating a motor vehicle without insurance.
$175.30—Jason A. Neubauer, 39, of Medford, failure to stop at a stop sign.
$263.50—Patrick Lee Noland, 18, of Rib Lake, criminal damage.
$200.50—Robert Wenzel Quinnell, 24, of Medford, operating a motor vehicle without insurance.
$175.30—Corey David Resech, 24, of Medford, nonregistration of vehicle-auto <10,000 lbs.
$389.50—Ashley Lerae Rinehart, 34, of Medford, retail theft.
$225.70—Alex Lopez Rodriguez, 23, of Valdese, NC, exceeding speed zones (20-24 mph over).
$200.50—Maron Ivan Sanchez, 20, of Prentice, operating while suspended.
$200.50—Jason Randall Senoraske, 35, of Medford, operating a motor vehicle without insurance.
$263.50—John David Tischer, 44, of Gilman, disorderly conduct.
$200.50—Scot Alan Vahl, 36, of Medford, operating while suspended.
$200.50—Randy Scott Voss, 39, of Medford, operating motorcycle without a valid license.
$263.50—Trystan Lynn Marie Weiler, 17, of Marshfi eld, damage to property. $200.50—Trystan Lynn Marie Weiler, 17, of Marshfi eld, operate without a valid license (1st violation dated May 13, 2022).
$263.50—Trystan Lynn Marie Weiler, 17, of Marshfi eld, minor transporting intoxicants in motor vehicle.
$200.50—Trystan Lynn Marie Weiler, 17, of Marshfi eld, operating without a valid license (1st violation dated June 4, 2022).
$162.70—Jakob Lee Wickersheim, 24, of Medford, no tail lamp/defective tail lamp-night.
$175.30—Jakob Lee Wickersheim, 24, of Medford, cracked/damaged vehicle windshield.
Roger D. Halida, 54, of Lublin, pled guilty to OWI (1st offense). His license was revoked for 12 months and an ignition interlock system will be installed for 12 months upon license reinstating. He was ordered to pay a fine of $1,019. Halida must complete AODA, follow through with the driver safety plan and attend Victim Impact Panel.
Aaron Nicholas Black, 40, of Marshfield, pled no contest and was found guilty of worthless checks. He was ordered to pay a forfeiture and restitution of $368.50.
Thomas E. Rogers, 58, of Corinth MS, pled no contest and was found guilty of the following charges: obtaining controlled substance by fraud, two counts of felony bail-jumping, violate/harassment restraining ordertemporary restraining order. Sentence was withheld and a probation of one year was ordered. Rogers shall submit to a DNA sample at the Taylor County Sheriff’s Department and shall have no contact with the victim. Rogers shall write a letter of apology to the victim due within 30 days of sentencing and pre-approved by probation. Rogers shall also undergo counseling as deemed appropriate by probation. He shall also undergo an AODA and follow through with all treatment recommendations. He is ordered to pay fines totaling $3,679. A third charge of felony bail-jumping and resisting or obstructing an officer were dismissed but read in court.
Andre M. Vongunten, 31, of Waupaca, pled no contest and was found guilty of battery. Charges of disorderly conduct-domestic and battery-domestic abuse were dismissed but read in court. Sentence was withheld and a probation of one year was ordered. Fines of $500 shall be paid directly to the Taylor County Clerk of Court at the rate of $25/month beginning August 1. Vongunten shall submit to a DNA sample at the Taylor County Sheriff’s Department and shall have no contact with the victims. Vongunten shall write a letter of apology to the victims due within 30 days of sentencing and pre-approved by probation. He shall undergo AODA and follow through with all treatment recommendations.
Shane Jonathon Dachel, 36, of Gilman pled no contest and was found guilty of reckless driving-endanger safety [which was amended from OWI (1st offense)], operate after revocation/suspension of registration and illegal shining of deer, elk, or bear. DNR revocation was ordered for three years along with forfeiture of the .270 rifle. The fines of 3,032.80 are to be paid at the rate of $150/month beginning July 25. Dachel shall submit to a DNA sample at the Taylor County Sheriff’s Department. Three charges of illegal shining of deer, elk, or bear, hunt deer during closed season, and resist conservation warden, were dismissed but read in court. A charge of failure to keep vehicle under control was also dismissed on prosecutor’s motion.
Johnathan Xavior Stromblad, 23, of Rib Lake, pled no contest to abandoned motor vehicle. Charges were dismissed on prosecutor’s motion.