DNR/WCC virtual spring hearing begins April 11 at 7 p.m.
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Wisconsin Conservation Congress (WCC) have announced the spring hearing will once again be held online.
The public will have the opportunity to provide input on proposed natural resources rule changes from the DNR and advisory questions from the Natural Resources Board (NRB) and WCC through the online input opportunity.
The 2022 spring hearing online input webpage will go live at 7 p.m. on April 11 and will remain open for three days (72 hours). Results will be posted as soon as they are available.
This year there are 16 advisory questions from the DNR related to fisheries and wildlife management. There are also two advisory questions from the NRB and 45 advisory questions from the WCC. All questions are available to preview at https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/ about/wcc/springhearing.
Wisconsinites can also recommend changes to natural resource issues by submitting citizen resolutions online. On the webpage just listed, review the Frequently Asked Questions, click the submit a resolution button and follow the directions to enter your resolution. Citizens must submit resolutions by midnight on March 11. Those who complete the online input form (April 11-14) will see the resolutions submitted by individuals indicating they reside in that county.
“With the pandemic, this has been a challenging couple years for everyone around the state and the country, and we’ve witnessed just how important it is for everyone to have access to our natural resources,” said Tony Blattler, chair of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress. “We are excited to provide an opportunity for citizens to weigh in on these different management issues. I hope that everyone who has an interest in the issues being discussed will utilize the online option to provide their input.
“As far as the delegate elections go, we will not be holding elections, but there is an application available for individuals interested in filling a vacant seat,” Blattler added. “The applications will be due March 11, which is also the deadline for citizens to submit resolutions.”
The Wisconsin Conservation Congress is the only statutory body in the state where the public elects delegates to advise the Natural Resources Board and the Department of Natural Resources on responsibly managing Wisconsin’s natural resources for present and future generations. The Congress accomplishes this through open, impartial, broad-ranged actions.
Among the DNR’s fisheries advisory questions this year:
_ The public will be asked if it favors a standard muskellunge fishing season structure statewide from the first Saturday in May through Dec. 31 on open water.
_ Public opinion will be sought on a statewide walleye bag limit of three per day.
_ Input will be gained on the idea of a catch-andrelease season for lake sturgeon on a subset of waterbodies already open to hook-and-line harvest. Wildlife
Among the DNR’s wildlife advisory questions this year:
_ The public will be asked if it favors increasing the student registration fee for trapper education.
_ The idea of allowing the purchase of multiple turkey harvest authorizations per day when the season is open will be presented.
NRB advisory
The Natural Resources Board adviso-
questions are:
_ Would you support the Natural Resources Board requesting from the DNR another review of the impacts of the crossbow season on Wisconsin’s gun deer season?
_ Do you support having the Wisconsin DNR undertake a two-year pilot project to test if offering a healthy herds incentive payment to landowners and hunters can increase the testing rates and remove CWD-positive deer to levels effective in reducing prevalence and slowing disease spread?
WCC questions
Highlights from the Wisconsin Conservation Congress questions include:
_ Would you support re-establishing in-person deer registration stations, would you support returning to the requirement to wear back tags and would you support returning to carcass tagging procedures as was done in the past?
_ Do you support or oppose the presence of captive cervid operations (game farms and shooting preserves) in Wisconsin?
_ Would you support a reallocation of antlerless fund fees to establish a statewide dumpster program for handing deer carcass disposal?
_ Do you support the Conservary tion Congress working the DNR, Legislature and the NRB to allow passengers on ATVs not designed to transport passengers for hunting, fishing, trapping and agricultural activities?
_ Do you support a population management goal of 350 wolves or less for the state of Wisconsin?
_ Do you favor the DNR and NRB working with the Legislature to create a registration system and fee for canoes and kayaks?
_ Would you support banning the use of dogs from hunting wolves in Wisconsin should wolves get delisted again?
_ Do you support the Conservation Congress working with the DNR to develop and support a ban on all killing contests?