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Hornet girls snap losing streak

Hornet girls snap losing streak Hornet girls snap losing streak

Nail-biting. Gritty. Confidence building. These were just a few of the words tossed around after Colby’s 53-46 victory at home over Rib Lake on Monday, Jan. 3.

Both teams were looking for some momentum as they head into 2022 and the second half of their season. Colby had not played since their loss to Stratford on Dec. 21, but Hornets head coach Terry Schmitt liked what he saw from his players during the holidays.

“The first half of the season was really rough, but during Christmas break we had some excellent practices. Last night we had probably the best practice we’ve had all season.”

The Hornets built off those practices to open with a 11-8 lead in the first half, but Rib Lake’s Danelle Mann, who led all players with 15 points on five triples, got the Redmen a 14-11 advantage.

The Hornets regained the lead at 1816, and Colby went up by as much as 26-16 with 4:43 before halftime. Three point shot was key to the Hornet’s first half success, and four Hornets struck from Down Town.

“We’ve been working on the mid-range shot a lot,” Schmitt said. “I don’t think the girls really believed they could shoot that, but we did some drills and made them realize how well they can shoot it. I think that helped tonight because we hit some big shots tonight, and the girls really stepped it up.”

But Rib Lake had little intention of going away, quietly. They clawed their way back into the game, getting Colby’s lead own to 27-23 at halftime. Rib Lake chipped at the lead in the second half, and held Colby’s offense in check through the first five minutes.

With 13:31 to go, the game was tied at 30-30. Rib Lake went up 32-30 with 12:36 to play, and from the Hornets and Redmen went back and forth.

Both teams struggled to get shots to fall, but Colby’s defense forced several turnovers. The Hornets used these extra possessions to their advantage, turning defense into offense.

The game was knotted at 44-44 with five minutes to go and it was freshman Angelique Hernandez who broke that tie, scoring Colby’s final three baskets to help the Hornets pull away for the second victory of the 2021-22 season.

Freshmen contributions continue to grow, Schmitt says, “Lexi keeps getting better every game. She’s a freshman, but she doesn’t play like a freshman anymore. Angelique, this is what I could see her doing at the beginning of the season. I think it just took her getting her confidence, and hopefully tonight we can build off of that.”

Junior Hayden Willner paced Colby with a team high 13 points. Kya Viegut added eight points and Savana Thomsen had seven points. Kylie Orth, Brett Schmitt and Hernandez all tallied six points. Lexi Vanderhoof finished with five points and Harrison Schmitt scored two points.

In all, eight different players scored, and Schmitt is hoping Monday’s game with Rib Lake is a spring board into the second half of the season.

“The more confidence you get, the more comfortable you feel out there. The whole team really contributed - we still have a lot of things we need to work on to get where we want to be, but I can see the potential grow with every game.”

The victory not only improves Colby to 2-8, it stops an eight game losing skid. Colby’s growth will be tested later this week when they journey to Spencer to take on the 7-4 Rockets, and the conference’s leading scorer Heavyn Kind, on Thursday, Jan. 6. Tip off is at 7: 15 p.m.

I FOUND YOU - Hayden Willner scans the floor for a teammate on Monday. Willner scored a team high 13 points against Rib Lake.