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Winter led Rib Lake with ….

Winter led Rib Lake with …. Winter led Rib Lake with ….

Winter led Rib Lake with seven kills, Annala had five, Scheithauer had four and Pelnis, Heiser and Mann had three apiece.

Rib Lake’s schedule will get busier starting Saturday with a three-match Marawood Conference crossover event in Edgar that starts at 10 a.m. Rib Lake will face Edgar, Wisconsin Rapids Assumption and Newman Catholic there. The Redmen host Prentice Tuesday and a make-up date for a Sept. 16 postponement at Chequamegon has been set for next Thursday, Oct. 7. Rib Lake heads back to Edgar for an invitational on Oct. 9.

“We are going to persevere and learn from our performance to better ourselves each day as we get ready for some more tough competition in the next few weeks,” Weik said.