Injury reported Two vehicle crash

Accident reports
Taylor County Law Enforcement
One person was transported by ambulance to Our Lady of Victory hospital following a one vehicle crash that occurred Aug. 27 at 12:37 a.m. in the town of Taft. According to the crash report, a vehicle driven by Courtney Okerglicki, 23, Stanley was westbound on CTH F near W16561 CTH F and was traveling at a high rate of speed. Driver estimated between 75 and 80 mph in a 55mph zone. The driver told the reporting officer that she fell asleep and failed to negotiate the corner causing the vehicle to go into the ditch and then crash into a tree. The vehicle sustained damage to all areas of it and the driver was injured due to the impact. Part of the tree that was struck impacted the nearby power lines which is believed to have popped a breaker as one of the houses in the area was without power but all the power lines were still up. Okerglicki was cited for inattentive driving and driving with unreasonable and imprudent speed.
A vehicle driver by Joanne Ross, 55, Stetsonville, was heading eastbound through the Medford Plaza Parking lot at 2:50 pm. on September 1. Ross told officers she couldn’t decide whether or not she wanted to turn left (south) or continue east through the parking lot. She decided to turn left and executed an abrupt turn striking a stop sign posted in the parking lot. According to the crash report Ross told the responding officer that she did not see the stop sign when she executed the turn.
A vehicle driven by Sheldon Mayer, 73, of Medford, was slowing down for a red light while headed southbound on N. 8th St. near the intersection with Hwy 64. According to the crash report, Mayer’s foot slipped off the brake and his vehicle struck the rear of a vehicle driven by Lisa Schantner, 50, of Ogema. Schantner was legally stopped at the light and her vehicle was pushed forward as a result of the crash. According to the crash report, Mayer’s vehicle struck the Schantner vehicle again before coming to a rest. The crash resulted in minor damage to the Schantner vehicle and moderate damage to the Mayer vehicle. Mayer was cited for automobile following too closely.
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A vehicle driven by Kailey Miller, 16, Medford on August 29 at 9:15 p.m. was backing out of the driveway at W3964 CTH O, in order to park on the north side of CTH O. A vehicle driven by Henesy Rudolph, 16, Medford, was traveling westbound on CTH O. Miller told the responding deputy that she saw the Rudolph vehicle but believed she had enough time to back out of the driveway and pull off to the side of the road. Rudolph admitted to the deputy that he was speeding at about 65 mph. Rudolph said he swerved to the right to avoid the vehicle backing out of the driveway. The Rudolph vehicle then struck the Miller vehicle with the front driver’s side corner, damaging the vehicle’s passenger side. The Miller vehicle sustained functional damage to the passenger side of the vehicle and to the engine compartment as the vehicle was leaking coolant. The Rudolph vehicle sustained functional damage to the front driver’s side corner and was left at the residence due to a flat front driver’s side tire. The Miller vehicle was driven from the scene.