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Golfers tee off to benefit Aspirus Medford patients

Golfers tee off to benefit Aspirus Medford patients Golfers tee off to benefit Aspirus Medford patients

Event helps keep health services strong in communities served by Aspirus Medford Hospital

The Aspirus Medford Foundation’s charitable golf tournament and fundraising event on August 11 helped raise funds that will be used to heal people, promote health and strengthen the communities Aspirus Medford serves.

“Over $20,000 was raised,” said Brent Arndt, Aspirus Medford Foundation board director and annual event co-chairperson. “Our major sponsors helped make that a reality, in addition to twenty-eight golf teams, volunteers who assisted and over 130 businesses who contributed.”

Findorff was the Event Sponsor along with eleven other platinum sponsors: AbbyBank; Canteen Vending & Refreshment Services (Oshkosh); Marathon Cheese Corporation; Medford Cooperative, Inc.; Nestle Pizza Division; Nicolet National Bank; Perrin’s Surface Solutions LLC; Phillips–Medisize Medford; Pieper Power / Systems Technologies (Merrill); Sierra Pacific Foundation; and Weather Shield Windows & Doors. Forward Bank was a gold sponsor. The generous contributions of these sponsors help to ensure patients of Aspirus Medford Hospital & Clinics continue to have access to stateof- the-art medical equipment and compassionate care.

The beautiful day was interrupted by a tornado warning and torrential rain, which necessitated the cancellation of the tournament after one round of golf. Results as determined by Blind Flighting are as follows: Tee Hi Flite 1

• 1st – Perrin’s Surface Solutions LLC

• 2nd – Dixon Greiner Realty LLC Tee Hi Flite 2

• 1st – Gowey Abstract & Title Co., Inc.

• 2nd – Findorff Black River Flite 1

• 1st – Medford Morning Rotary

• 2nd – Klinner Insurance (Richter) Black River Flite 2

• 1st – Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry

• 2nd – Pieper Power/Systems Tech Congratulations to Sharri Stroinski, the grand prize winner of five Green Bay Packers tickets. Cash prizes for second ($300), third ($200) and fourth ($100) place were awarded to Tonia Sromek, Dave Clark and Ashley McCarron, respectively.

“This fun outing raises money for the benefit of our local communities and the health and wellness of our friends, families and neighbors,” said Molly Knoll, Aspirus Medford Foundation board director and annual event co-chairperson.

The Aspirus Medford Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization; donations are tax deductible to the extent of the law.