happy memory or a terrible ….

happy memory or a terrible one.”
The rule of first blood that DeLaet referred to gives a hunter who first wounded an animal claim to the harvest no matter if another hunter deals a fatal shot afterward.
“This is another perfect example of ethical hunting behavior,” Lamb said. “It may have been this woman’s first-ever deer or the first deer in a long time. If so, it would have left a bad taste in her mouth had she not been able to recover the deer. Regardless, Troy’s ethical behavior is one for all to follow.”
In each scenario, these ethical hunters were kind, respectful and understanding and put the other outdoors users on an equal basis.
Any Wisconsin hunter is eligible to be nominated by another individual, regardless if they are a hunter or not. Nominations for the 2021 award are due Jan. 31, 2022.
Submit nominations by email or letter explaining what the ethical act was to: The Department of Natural Resources, c/o April Dombrowski, DNR Recreational Safety Section Chief, 101 S. Webster St., P.O. Box 7921, Madison, WI 537077921. The email address is April.Dombrowski@ wisconsin.gov.
For more information regarding the nomination process and the award, contact Dombrowski by email or at 608-8529456.