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Court proceedings

Forfeitures Probations ordered

Randall R. Baughman, 27, Sheldon, pled no contest to disorderly conduct (domestic abuse-infliction of physical pain or injury). Sentence was withheld and Baughman was placed on probation for two years on the condition he pay a forfeiture of $443 and supervision fees as ordered by the Department of Corrections (DOC); submit to a DNA sample; write a letter of apology, preapproved by probation, to the victim within 30 days of sentencing; undergo counseling as deemed appropriate by probation; and undergo an alcohol and drug assessment and follow through with all treatment recommendations. Baughman also pled no contest to a count of felony bail jumping. Sentence was withheld and Baughman was placed on probation for two years on the condition he pay a forfeiture of $518 and supervision fees as ordered by the DOC. The other conditions are the same as for his other probation. Counts of strangulation and suffocation (domestic abuse-infliction of physical pain or injury) and felony bail jumping were dismissed but read in for sentencing purposes.

Melissa S. Witek, 35, Stetsonville, pled no contest to possession of amphetamine/LSD/psilocin and was sentenced to serve 30 days in jail. Sentence was imposed and stayed and Witek was placed on probation for two years on the condition she pay a forfeiture of $443 and supervision fees as ordered by the DOC; submit to a DNA sample; undergo counseling as deemed appropriate by the probationary agent; and make a good faith effort to complete the Taylor County treatment court and pay the participant fee. Witek also pled no contest to a count of resisting or obstructing an officer and was sentenced to 30 days in jail, to run concurrent with her other jail time. Sentence as imposed and stayed and Witek was placed on probation for two years. Forfeitures and conditions are the same as for her other probation. Witek pled no contest to a count of possession of methamphetamine and entered into a deferred prosecution agreement for a period of two years. As terms of the agreement, Witek must not commit any criminal offenses during the period of the agreement; notify the Taylor County district attorney and clerk of court offices of any address change within 10 days; successfully complete treatment court and pay the participant fee in full; and successfully complete the two-year probationary period and complete all requested conditions of probation. Upon successful completion of the agreement, the state will dismiss the count. Counts of possession of a controlled substance, maintaining a drug trafficking place and possession of drug paraphernalia were dismissed but read in for sentencing purposes.

A separate charge of neglecting a child (specified harm did not occur) against Witek was dismissed but read in for sentencing purposes.

Donna J. Hoefferle, 65, Rib Lake, pled guilty to animal nuisance-first offense and forfeited $150.10.

Skyler M. Opelt, 34, Medford, pled no contest to a reduced charge of an ordinance violation for disorderly conduct and forfeited $330.50.

Alan M. Whetstone, 46, Stetsonville, pled no contest to disorderly conduct and forfeited $263.50.