Edgar’s Schnelle wins home girl’s race

She just keeps getting stronger
By Casey Krautkramer
Edgar sophomore cross country runner Morgan Schnelle captured the Edgar Quadrangular girl’s championship on Tuesday afternoon.
Schnelle ran to the victory in 22 minutes, 21 seconds. She outdueled Jordyn Karl of Auburndale who took second place in 22:52 and Julianna Thurs of Marathon who placed third in 22:54.
Edgar runner Rachel Brewster took seventh place in 24:25 and Marathon’s Laci Hoeksema was eighth in 24:31. Three Marathon runners placed in order next to each other with Kali Prihoda 12th in 25:17, Camryn Sapinski 13th in 25:24 and Anna Cleven 14th in 25:27.
Ava Buchberger of Marathon placed 17th in 26:14 and her teammate, Brianna Hieronumus, was 19th in 26:29. Ella Morse of Edgar placed 20th in 26:30.
The Auburndale boy’s and girl’s cross country teams took home race championships. Marathon’s boy’s and girls’ squads both took second place, and the host Edgar girls finished third.
For the boy’s, Cullen Krasselt of Marathon took second place in 20:07 behind winner Carl Lundgren of Auburndale in 18:51. Jaron Gage of Marathon placed fourth in 20:33, Jacob Smith 10th in 21:28 and Owen Marks 11th in 21:33. Cole Schilling of Edgar took 13th place in 21:58. Three Marathon runners finished in the top 20 with Derek Vesely 16th in 22:29, Pierson Hamann 17th in 22:48 and Ian Blake 19th in 22:48.
Auburndale Quadrangular
Stratford’s boys cross country team took second place in the Auburndale Quadrangular on Sept. 22 at Frey Field in Spencer. Stratford scored 45 points behind champion Auburndale with 15. The Edgar boys didn’t have a complete team to score points.
Tigers’ Cade Bruesewitz took seventh place in 20:01, Tyler Holocomb ninth in 20:25, Brett Bangart 10th in 20:28, Lance Krieg 11th in 20:41 and Cody Miller 14th in 22:03. Edgar’s Cole Schilling placed 12th in 20:57.
Stratford’s girls team took third place with 76 points at the Auburndale Quadrangular, followed by Edgar in fourth with 78. Assumption was the meet champion with a low score of 28 points and Auburndale finished as runners-up with 45.
Morgan Schnelle of Edgar took fourth place in 21:12 and her teammate, Rachel Brewster, finished 12th in 23:23. Stratford runners Kressa Wenzel placed seventh in 22:13, Sarah Zuelke 10th in 23:07 and Lydia Golbach 14th in 23:38.
Assumption Quadrangular
Both Marathon boy’s and girls cross country teams took second place at the Assumption Quadrangular on Sept. 17 in Wisconsin Rapids.
The Marathon boy’s squad accumulated 39 points behind champion Assumption with a low score of 32, while Marathon’s girls team scored 45 points behind champion Auburndale with 26. The Athens boy’s squad placed third with 62 points and the girls didn’t have a complete team to score points.
Athens sophomore Nathan Wolf took second place in 18 minutes, 11.8 seconds behind champion Carl Lundgren of Auburndale in 17:36.8. Cullen Krasselt of Marathon placed third in 18:12.6 and Jaron Gage was fifth in 18:46.5.
Andrew Schaer of Athens took 11th place in 19:59.8, followed by Jacob Smith in Marathon in 12th place in 20:02.6 and Owen Marks of Marathon in 13th in 20:08.7. Brooks Kraus of Athens placed 14th in 20:19.1 and Derrick Scheiderer was 15th in 20:56.8.
For the girls, Marathon junior Julianna Thurs took third place in 20:41.2 behind two Assumption girls. Elizabeth Van Rixel of Athens placed fourth in 20:45.2. Red Raiders’ Jada Prihoda took sixth in 21:05.4, Laci Hoeksema ninth in 21:56.7, Kayla Radtke 12th in 22:30, Kali Prihoda 13th in 22:43 and Ann Cleven 15th in 22:54.9.