Cadott Hornets run out of luck to get in spring season

It looked for a while that the spring sports season would still be played, but it wasn’t to be, as the Safer at Home order essentially nixed all extracurricular activities through the end of the school year. Along with all the other high school sports, the Cadott track team also saw their hopes go down the tube.
“Of course, it has to be a great spring, as far as getting outside…” said coach Pat Rothbauer.
In addition, the cancellation means the premature end of the high school running careers of seniors, Steven Pfeiffer, Warner Drangstveit, Abby Eiler, Jasmine Horvat, Tabitha Sikora, Autumn Bremness and Hallie Solie.
“Obviously, it is an extreme bummer, not only for them, but for every athlete this spring,” said Rothbauer. “Steven was just coming off a State wrestling berth, so it would have been fun to see what the added confidence would have done for his track season.”
Rothbauer says Pfeiffer would have been an important part of Cadott’s distance team and with their large number of young distance runners, he would have had a great opportunity to become a strong leader. Drangsveit would have served as part of the sprint relay teams and as a long jumper.
“For our girls, they all would have contributed to our middle sprints program,” said Rothbauer. “Their leadership is going to be greatly missed and it certainly is a shame to see them not get their last season, after years of hard work.”
Rothbauer says Solie was the Hornets’ strongest hurdler, and that all the girls would have contributed in the vertical and the horizontal jumps. With the situation out of their hands, the seniors can do nothing more than look back on their time with the program, hopefully, with fond memories.
“The coaches would like to thank all the athletes for participating and their families for all the support over the years,” said Rothbauer.

Warner Drangstveit

Abby Eiler

Jasmine Horvat

Tabitha Sikora

Autumn Bremness

Hallie Solie