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Snowmobilers need to think smart before they start

With winter officially in full swing in Wisconsin, the Wisconsin DNR reminds snowmobilers that safety is key for the best ride. Snowmobiling got off to a deadly start last year. There were 19 snowmobile fatalities between January and March 2020, three of those involving someone under the age of 18.

“Most snowmobile crashes are preventable,” said DNR conservation warden Lt. Martin Stone. “Alcohol, excess speed, driver inexperience and operator error are the leading causes of snowmobile fatalities.”

There is no such thing as 100 percent safe ice. Snowmobilers cannot judge ice’s strength by factors like appearance, age, thickness or temperature, especially when the ice is snow-covered.

Any person who is at least 12 years old and born on, or after, Jan. 1, 1985, is required to have a valid snowmobile safety certifi cate to operate a snowmobile in most areas. Operators must carry the certificate while riding and display it to a law enforcement officer when requested.

To stay safe this riding season, the following should be practiced:

• Don’t drink and ride.

• Stay on marked trails and routes.

• Always stay to the right side of the trail, especially in corners. The trails are public; never ride like there is no one else coming. Always come to a complete stop at all stop signs and road crossings, and yield to motor vehicle traffic. When stopped, look both ways and cross only when it’s safe.

• Always wear a helmet and safety gear.

• Use extra caution at night. When traveling at night, operate at reasonable speeds, as to not overdrive what headlights can illuminate, such as trail markers or hazards. Remember that there is a 55 mph speed limit at night.

• Travel with a friend, carry a cell phone and let people know where you’re going and when you’re returning home. Dress appropriately, and carry a first-aid kit and navigation tools.

• Take a snowmobile safety course. Wear proper clothing and equipment, including a life jacket or a float coat, to help stay afloat and slow body heat loss.

• Do not travel in unfamiliar areas. Know if the lake has inlets, outlets or narrows with currents that can thin the ice. Watch out for pressure ridges or ice heaves. These can be dangerous, because of thin ice and open water.