NOTICE City of Cornell ….
NOTICE City of Cornell Minutes of Common Council Meeting Jan. 2, 2020 7 p.m. mayor Judy Talbot called the regular council meeting to order at the city council chambers. The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence honoring all individuals who have, or are, protecting our freedom. Minutes taken by administrator/ clerk-treasurer DeJongh.
Council members present: Floyd Hickethier, Aimee Korger, Terry Smith, Steve Turany, Ashley Carothers and Mark Larson.
Guests present: Tom Finses, Derek Braun and Ginna Young.
Motion Hickethier, seconded Carothers, to accept the agenda as printed. Carried 6 ayes.
Motion Carothers, seconded Korger, to approve the regular council meeting minutes of Dec. 19, 2019. Carried 6 ayes.
Tom Finses was at the meeting to complain about the condition of Woodside Drive after recent snowfalls. He doesn’t feel that the city has properly done snow removal and addressed surface water drainage.
Motion Hickethier, seconded Korger, to approve making James Schoonover an operator in charge of the water utility and treatment plant, and Scott Thompson an operator in charge of the sewer utility and wastewater treatment plant. Carried 6 ayes.
Motion Carothers, seconded Korger, to approve appointment of Ann Sonderegger as a poll worker. Carried 6 ayes.
The City of Cornell’s 2020 Open Book is scheduled for Tuesday, April 14, 2020, from 2:304:30 p.m. The Board of Review is scheduled for Wednesday, May 6, 2020, from 4-6 p.m.
Barb Close, part-time police officer at the department, announced that she would retire Jan. 1, 2020. Well wishes were given on her retirement.
Reminder was provided that the filing deadline for nomination papers, for local offices, is Jan. 7, 2020. Carried 6 ayes.
Motion Korger, seconded Larson, to approve bills totaling $66,851.33. Roll call vote carried 6 ayes.
Jacob Fosbinder, the current non-UDC building inspector, provided a letter of resignation effective Jan. 2, 2020. Forthcoming events:
• Gun Show is set for Feb. 22 and 23, 2020, at the high school. Spirit Club will do the concessions.
• Candlelight Cross-Country Ski and Sledding Event, at Brunet Island, is scheduled for Feb. 15, 2020.
Motion Korger, seconded Hickethier, to adjourn. Carried 6 ayes.
Adjourned at 7:35 p.m. David DeJongh, administrator/ clerk-treasurer 84125 • wnaxlp