Senior Card Group
The Senior Citizens card group met on March 6 for weekly card playing at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.
Two games of Sheepshead were played. Sally Stubbe won first place and Butch Boris came in second in the first game. Thomas Ellenbecker won first and Norbert Lake came in second in the second game.
Low score was Wil Strack. Newcomers are encouraged to come play Sheepshead every Thursday from 12:30-3:30 p.m. at the Athens fire hall.
Foundation grants
Progress Athens Foundation is excited to receive applications for its next grant cycle. Information related to the grant opportunity may be requested from progressathens@ or by mailing Progress Athens Foundation, Inc., PO Box 147, Athens, WI 54411. The grant application is due April 30.
Lenten fish fries
St. Anthonyâs Catholic Church will be hosting Lenten fish fries on the following Fridays: March 21 and April 4, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. The menu includes deep-fried fish or shrimp or baked fish, baked potato, potato salad or fries, plus coffee, milk and dessert.
Family Story Time
Bring your entire family to story time at the Athens Branch Library on Wednesdays in March. Children of all ages and their parents or caregivers are invited to this 30-minute program. Library staff will read books, sing songs, and offer other literature-based activities. Upcoming Family Story Times will be March 26, from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Medicare basics class
Adults are invited to the Athens Branch Library on Thursday, March 27, from 5:30-6:30 p.m for a free class on understanding the different parts of Medicare. Medicare can be a complicated landscape of choices, but it doesnât have to be. This program is designed to provide an overview of Medicare and help make sense of the parts, what they mean, and how to navigate them. Participants will look at defining Medicare Parts A, B, C, and D, when and how to sign up, and costs associated with coverage.
For more information or to register, call 715-257-7292.
Maple Grove
The Feb. 1 meeting of the Maple Grove Governance Board was called to order at 5:33 p.m. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Roll call was taken, with all members present.
A motion was made and seconded to accept the January meeting minutes and Record-Review
article. Robin recognized Mike F. for making gifts for the teachers. A shout-out was given to Kelly S. and Bruce for all the work on the garden shed. It will be ready for early spring planting.
New Business
Kelly H. reviewed contract sections 1, 2 and 3. Section 1 and 2 are good. Motion made and seconded to approve these two sections. Section 3 was discussed and annual report was changed to annual reports. A motion was made and seconded to accept the change is section 3d. A motion was made and seconded to accept the rest of section 3 as is.
Section 4 will be reviewed by the staff and discussed at the next meeting.
Grant update
The playground committee met and was shown a mock-up of the playground plan. They had a Feb. 13 meeting to fine-tune the price. An estimate will be started in early May.
The grant budget was reviewed and a motion was made and seconded to accept. Whole Child Learning was presented by Robin H. New screeners were used for K-3. Any student who scored in the 25th percentile or less will be given personal help. The school will watch this data very closely. Overall, K-5 reading scores went from 56% to 68% and the math went from 73% to 78%. The next screening will be in spring. The board was reminded what Act 20 entails.
Robin talked about CRISP traits and how they are implemented through all activities in the school, from Fox Dens to the classrooms. Students are recognized each quarter for their accomplishments.
Open enrollment will be using a market plan using Midwest Communications. A promotional video will be discussed at the next meeting. The enrollment of the school will not exceed 135 students.
The principalâs report stated that the students celebrated the 100th day of school and will have an inhouse spelling bee. An open house was held March 13, and the pancake breakfast is Sunday, March 30, at the Hamburg Town Hall.
Andrea S. talked about the Maple Grove budget, and as of now, the school is on track for the year. FOMG Budget was approved. A motion made and seconded.
The Fromm Foundation has informed the school that it has purchased a new popcorn machine for âPopcorn Friday.â A thank-you was received from the state for helping to decorate the tree at the capital. They will have a table at the open house and the pancake breakfast.
The meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.
Womenâs Club
The Edgar Womenâs Club met on March 11 at Edgar Village Hall. Thirteen members and one guest attended.
Upcoming events were discussed. A Box Social will be held on Tuesday, April 6, at Edgar Village Hall. Each member is asked to bring a decorated box or bag with a light meal. The proceeds of the
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event will go for Edgar High School scholarships.
The spring banquet committee will decide the date and place for the Edgar Womenâs Club Spring Banquet held in May.
Audrey Kamenick Theresa Kramer, Carol Hagen and Cecilia Kurtzweil won door prizes.
Rachel Tarnann was the guest speaker. The next meeting will be April 6 at the Edgar Village Hall at 6:30 p.m. New members are welcome.
The club is collecting books for the May Bake and Book sale. Donations may be brought to the Edgar Village Hall.
BeâTween the Lines
Tweens and teens ages 11-14 are invited to Edgar Branch Library on Friday, March 21, for a new monthly book club â where everyone gets to pick their own book. Just choose a book that follows the monthly theme and at each meeting, participants will discuss and socialize. The theme for March is spring. Itâs okay if the book doesnât fit the theme exactly. No registration required. Call the Edgar Branch at 715-352-3155 for more information.
Medicare basics
Adults can learn Medicare basics on Monday, March 24, from 4 to 5 p p.m. at Edgar Branch Library. This presentation, led by a local life and health insurance agent, will include the difference between Medicare parts, what steps you should take when you turn 65, and time for answering any questions you may have about Medicare. Like all of our programs, this one is non-commercial in nature and for informational purposes only. The event is free; no registration required. For more info, call 715-352-3155.
Fiber artists meetup
Adults are invited to craft and chat at a monthly fiber artists meetup on Monday, March 24. from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Edgar Branch Library. Whether itâs knitting, crocheting, embroidery or mending, everyone is welcome to bring their projects and chat. Maybe you'll learn some tips or tricks or even make new friends. This event is free and open to the public, no registration required. For more information, call 715-3523155.
Bingo at St. Stephen
St. Stephen Lutheran Church, 424 N. Third Ave., Edgar, will host bingo in the church basement on Wednesday, March 26, from 1 to 3 p.m. Refreshments and snacks will be served. If you need a ride or have questions, call Mark at 715-348-5802 or Colleen at 715-571-8277.
Spring Break Craft Week
Kids and teens are invited to stop by the Marathon City Branch Library during spring break to get creative and crafty. Drop in during regular business hours from March 2429 for fun and easy craft projects. All supplies will be provided for free. Call 715-4432775 for more information.
American Legion Auxiliary
The Alois Dreikosen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 469 held its latest meeting on March 13.
President Betty Blume called the meeting to order with 22 members present. The opening meeting protocol was followed, and the opening prayer was given.
Katelyn Witberler was crowned Poppy Princess for the coming year.
The minutes of the February meeting and the treasurerâs report were read and approved. One outstanding bill was also approved.
Committee Reports Membership - A total of 89 members renewed for 2025. New members are welcome at any time. If you are not sure if you are eligible to join, ask any current member.
Sick List- No one was on the sick list. Juniors - A thank-you note was read from Wisconsin Veterans Homes in King for the unitâs greeting cards.
Old Business
Members were asked to take note of the District 8 Spring Conference, which will be held on April 26 at the Wautoma World War II Memorial Building.
The Patriotic Art Fair is moving ahead. Entries are due at the Heritage Center on May 10. The exhibit will premier on June 17 in correlation with the Heritage Center event. The Heritage Center will be open for the concerts in the park on June 17, July 15, and August 12. Residents are asked to consider submitting a piece to help express what patriotism means to you.
Members were asked if they are interested in a shuttle bus to The Highground Veterans Memorial Park on Saturday, Sept. 6, leaving the Village Hall at 9 a.m. and returning 3:30 p.m. Seating is limited. The cost is $25 per person.
The next Honor Flight is scheduled for April 14. Members were asked to continue supporting all veterans. If you know anyone who will be on this flight, take time to wish them a good trip.
New Business
Poppy distribution sign up will be next month.
Election of officers will be held in May. Consider running for an office. Also, we would like to add a Public Relations person to our unit. This would be a volunteer position, not an officer.
The closing prayer was given. The next regular meeting will be April 10, at 6:30 p.m. at the village hall.
Complete minutes of ALA Unit 469 meetings are available via email on request. Contact the unit President Betty Blume to be put on a list.
Medicare basics class
Adults can learn Medicare basics on Thursday, March 27, from 4:00-5:00 p.m. at the Stratford Branch Library. Free, no registration required. For more info, call 715-6874420. This presentation, led by a local life and health insurance agent, will include the difference between Medicare parts, what steps you should take when you turn 65, and answering any questions you may have about Medicare. Like all of library programs, this one is non-commercial in nature and for informational purposes only.
This event is free and open to all ages, no registration is required. For more info, call the Stratford Branch at 715-687-4420.
Play & Learn: All Aboard!
Children and their families are invited to the Stratford Branch Library on Monday, March 24, from 10:30-11:30 a.m., for a trainthemed Play & Learn featuring stories, songs, crafts and more. A staff member from Childrenâs Wisconsin/Marshfield Family Resource Center will be available for questions and to recommend community services and resources. The event is free; no registration required. Call 715-687-4420 for more info.
Family Story Time
Bring your entire family to story time at the Stratford Branch Library every Wednesday in March. Children of all ages and their parents or caregivers are invited to this 30minute program. Library staff will read books, sing songs, and offer other literaturebased activities. The next Family Story Time will be March 26, from 10:30 to 11 a.m.
Genealogy meeting
On Tuesday, March 25 from 5 to 7 p.m., the Marathon County Register of Deeds will be hosting a genealogy informational meeting at the Register of Deeds Office located at 500 Forest St., Wausau. Listen to Marathon County Register of Deeds Jennifer Lemmer and chief deputy Wendy Fischer talk about how to conduct genealogy searching in their office. Guest speakers will include Kathy Hellrood, who has many tips and tricks to share from years of searching throughout the state of Wisconsin and surrounding states. Also, attorney Janet Lattyak from Lattyak Elder Law LLC will speak about how genealogy searching affects her legal practice.
Seating will be limited so call 715-2611470 to reserve your spot for this meeting.
POPPY PRINCESS - Betty Blume, president of the Alois Dreikosen American Legion Auxiliary Unit 469, introduced the 2025 Poppy Princess, Miss Katelyn Witberler, daughter of Andy and Carrie Witberler of Edgar. SUBMITTED PHOTO