Senior Card Group
The Senior Citizens card group met on Feb. 27 for weekly card playing at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall.
Two games of Sheepshead were played. Steve Klockziem won first place and Rick Schaetzl came in second in the first game. Norbert Lake won first and David Perrodin came in second in the second game.
Low score was Ron Lavicka. Newcomers are encouraged to come play Sheepshead every Thursday from 12:30-3:30 p.m. at the Athens fire hall.
Book club
The Athens Book Club will meet at the Athens Branch Library on Tuesday, March 11, at 2 p.m. to discuss “Now Is Not the Time To Panic” by Kevin Wilson. Twenty years after secretly causing panic in her hometown through the written word and artwork, along with a fellow loner named Zeke, famous author, mom and wife Frances Eleanor Budge gets a call that brings her past rushing back, threatening to upend everything. Call 715-257-7292 for more information.
Lenten fish fries
St. Anthony’s Catholic Church will be hosting Lenten fish fries on the following Fridays: March 7 and 21 and April 4, from 4:30 to 7 p.m. The menu includes deep-fried fish or shrimp or baked fish, baked potato, potato salad or fries, plus coffee, milk and dessert.
Family Story Time
Bring your entire family to story time at the Athens Branch Library on Wednesdays in March. Children of all ages and their parents or caregivers are invited to this 30-minute program. Library staff will read books, sing songs, and offer other literature-based activities. Upcoming Family Story Times will be March 12, 19 and 26, from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Social Security class Adults are invited to a class on getting ready for retirement and navigating Social Security benefits at the Athens Branch Library on Thursday, March 13, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Navigating Social Security benefits can be challenging and preparing for retirement can leave you feeling overwhelmed with a lot of questions. This program is designed to provide answers and help you gather the information you need to make the best choice for you. Presenters will also discuss less commonly known benefits like family benefits, survivor’s benefits, and ex-spousal benefits. Free. For more info and to register, call 715-257-7292.
Book club
The Edgar Book Club will meet at the Edgar Branch Library on Tuesday, March 11, at 12 noon to discuss “The Thursday Murder Book Club” by Richard Osman. In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet weekly in the Jigsaw Room to discuss unsolved crimes; together they call themselves The Thursday Murder Club. For more information, call 715-352-3155.
Games at St. Stephen St. Stephen Lutheran Church, 424 N. Third Ave., Edgar, will host card games in the church basement on Wednesday, March 12 and 19, from 1 to 3 p.m. Refreshments and snacks will be served. If you need a ride or have questions, call Mark at 715-3485802 or Colleen at 715-571-8277.
Preschool, 4K Day
Edgar Preschool Screening and 4K Registration Day will be Friday, March 14, from 7:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Information letters were sent out in mid February to all parents of children ages 3 and 4. If you did not receive a letter, or if you know of someone new to the district, or have any questions, call the elementary office at (715)352-2727.
Honor rolls
Edgar High School Highest Honors (4.0) 12th Grade: Emery Borchardt, Zander I. Chenier, Tegan Knetter, Alyson Kolano, Lucy M. Kolodziej, Kendra Mucha, Isaac Reemtsma, Emma E. Riehle, Ty Schnelle, Austin Schreiber, Chet R. Severson, Carlie M. Stahel, Addiyson Trawicki, Madilyn E. Wendtland.
11th Grade: Ella Baumgartner, Wade Kohel, Samantha M. Schmidt, Tucker L. Streit.
10th Grade: Brehna V. Buffington, Makita Ellenbecker, Caius Higgins, Isabella Kaiser, Carson Nowak, Samantha K. Schneider, Kennen Vanornum.
Ninth Grade: Abbigail Halama, Ashley M. Krause, McKenzie Mueller, Addyson Nowak, Adeline Peterson, Paige K. Strasser, Emmitt W. Vanornum.
High Honors 12th Grade: Ashlynn Baeseman, Mia L. Stencil, Chloe Mellenberger, Emma Hartway, Colby Schwoerer, Fletcher Weiland, Aubrey E. Behling, Riley Mueller, Brock W. Mauer, Kasen Ristow, Jase Apfelbeck, Alaina Singkofer, Paola R. Corcobado, Wyatt Powers, Issac Halama, ElÄłah Slack, William Hackel, Laura Davis.
11th Grade: Micah Schulz, Kaitlynn H. Hartnady, Addyson G. Nowak, Dillan Sondelski, Callie C. Behling, Lucas Stahnke.
10th Grade: Rachel Burke, Naquene Ellenbecker, Annie Kolodziej, Tyler R. Schmidt, Levi J. Seliger, Rylee Heil, Izach Myszka, Wyatt T. Klockziem, Natallya Radke, Anthony Trawicki, Jorja L. Knetter, Hailey Schreiner, Sawyer Weiland, Reid Kohel, Johnathon C. Szymanski, Alyssa Kolano, Laura Mucha, Issac J. Socha, Blaynne D. Crawford, Owen Kingsley.
Ninth Grade: Madelyn Jacobs, Shiloh B. Karlen, Eli Kramer, Trevor Apfelbeck, ElÄłah Yessa, Anabel L. Blocker, Vanessa L. Czech, Paxton M. Mueller, Kendyl Apfelbeck, Fynn R. Olmsted, Tenley Mauer, Paige E. Reinders, Kaylin P. Dietsche, Adam L. Borchardt, Brendan Imhoff, Siara R. Schroeder, Carina S. Seubert, Maddyson L. Schafer. Honors 12th Grade: Evan R. Lentz Ort, Dakota D. Ellenbecker, Grasci Yonker, Jarvis K. Kofent, Tyler Murkowski, Taryn Gollubske, Leyton Schuett, Lillian G. Schroeder, Brody C. Burke, Shukri Aliu.
11th Grade: Maverick Butt, Brandalyn M. Halvorsen, Savannah Koepke, Mya C. Quirk, Preston Erickson, Gavin R. Mauer, Angelina McKibben, Dominic
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Contreras, Lavivianne E. Fischer, Dawson Bornheimer, Alexis J. Hein, Cade Koch, Alex Schneider.
10th Grade: Kaden J. Bargender, Claire E. Deal, Isaiah Kraft, Jeremy Malouf.
Ninth Grade: Eva M. Butt, Mason Manecke, Liliana L. Cruz Bonilla, Landon C. Lukasko, Trent G. Murkowski, Lillyanna Dvorak, Jaedyn L. Loskot, Spencer Wendtland, Alana S. Kingsley, Alexander Woller, Ethan Myszka, Lucas W. Bricker.
LEGO Block Party
Can you create a world with simple blocks? Families are invited to build with LEGO on Saturday, March 8, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Edgar Branch Library. The event is free, all blocks will be provided, and no registration is required. Call 715-3523155 for more information.
College notes
Julianna Thurs was named to the 2024 fall semester dean’s list at UW-Madison.
Book club
The Marathon City Book Club will meet at the Marathon City Branch Library on Monday, March 10, at 5:45 p.m. to discuss “The River We Remember” by William Kent. When a wealthy landowner is found dead in the Alabaster River on Memorial Day in 1958, Sheriff Brody Dern – a decorated war hero – struggles to solve this murder that has the town of Jewel, Minnesota, up in arms, while putting to rest the demons from his past. For more information, call 715-443-2775.
Legion Auxiliary
President Betty Blume called the Feb. 13 meeting of American Legion Auxiliary Alois Dreikosen, Unit 469 to order with 13 members present. Opening meeting protocol was followed.
The minutes of the January meeting and the treasurer’s reports were read Committee Reports
Membership: A total of 88 members renewed for 2025. Dues for adults for the coming year are $34. The cost for Junior members is $5.25. Two new members have begun the process of joining the unit.
Birthdays for the month of February were read.
Sick list: No one was on the sick list. Juniors: Katelyn Witberler will be the new Poppy Princess for 2025.
Thank-you notes: Thank-you notes were read from the Village of Marathon for donations to the ballpark, private individuals for a memorial and Christmas cheer, and Wisconsin Veterans Homes in King and Chippewa Falls for Valentine cards.
The community Patriotic Art Fair is moving ahead. Watch for posters and announcements in local church bulletins, Facebook and The Record-Review.
Entries are open to adults and children of all ages. One entry per person. Original work in any art media (including music) will be accepted. Size is limited to 20” x 20.” Fragile items should be carefully packed in case they need to be moved. Entries need to be brought to the Heritage Center on May 10, between 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Entry forms need to be completed when projects are dropped off. Email to arrange other times for drop off.
Members are looking into taking a bus to The Highground Veterans Memorial this summer. The tentative schedule would be to leave at 9 a.m., view the grounds and museum, take a sack lunch, and return by 3 p.m.
New Business
The next Honor Flight is scheduled for April 14. If you know anyone going, wish them well on their trip and make sure to follow up and find out about their trip.
Since the Auxiliary is not running the summer concession stand, members no longer need the nacho machine nor the portable gas grill. The lease for the nacho machine can be transferred to another organization. A motion was made to donate the machine to the Village of Marathon for use at the new ballfield stand. Motion carried. The village already has a grill, so a motion was made to sell the grill along with the two gas tanks on Facebook Marketplace. Motion carried.
District 8 is sponsoring a sweepstakes as a fundraiser. The unit will enter and make a donation. Unit members were asked to participate and support the sweepstakes by entering and making a personal donation of $5 per entry. Entry forms and official rules were available at the meeting. They will be available at the March meeting as well.
Members were asked to encourage new membership. If someone expresses interest in becoming a member, let the Unit know so a welcome packet can be sent out.
Flyers were presented promoting upcoming fundraisers for Patriots for Warriors, an organization committed to helping local veterans. For those who dined out at El Tequila Salsa on Feb. 19 or Milwaukee Burger on March 3, a portion of the proceeds was donated to Patriots for Warriors.
A motion was made to donate to Marathon Post Prom.
The Larry Draeger family recently lost their home in a fire. A motion was made to donate funds to the Larry Draeger family.
Unit Standing rules were revised. A copy of the revised rules will be available at the next ALA meeting in March.
Closing prayer was given by the chaplain. The next regular meeting will be Thursday, March 13, at 6:30 p.m. at the Village Hall.
Complete minutes of ALA Unit 469 meetings are available via email on request. Contact the unit President Betty Blume to be put on a list.
College notes
Dylan Schoenherr, son of Tim and Kari Schoenherr, received his white coat at a Clinic Induction Ceremony on Feb.14 at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport Iowa.
Calli Drexler has graduated from UW-Stout in Menomonie with a bachelor of science degree in early childhood education.
Book club
The Stratford Book Club will meet at the Stratford Branch Library on Wednesday, March 19, at 1 p.m. to discuss “The Frozen River” by Ariel Lawhon. In 1789 Maine, midwife Martha Ballard investigates a shocking murder linked to an alleged rape that has shaken her small town, especially when her diary lands at the center of the scandal, threatening to tear both her family and her community apart. For more information, call 715-687-4420.
Gardening class
Adults are invited to a free class about planning and mapping a garden at the Stratford Branch Library on Thursday, March 13, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. UW-Extension horticulture educator, Janell Wehr, will cover essential elements when mapping and planting your garden, including the fundamental crop rotation to help prevent disease and pests. Participants will learn how to apply their planting plan to a garden map, keeping in mind spacing, heights, and successive gardening over the seasons. The event is free, but registration is required. To register, visit your-garden/ or call 715-687-4420.
Dr. Dylan Schoenherr