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Athens denies detachment request

By Casey Krautkramer

The Athens Board of Education on Monday voted unanimously to deny a detachment request for Allen and Patricia Voight’s town of Rietbrock property from Athens School District into the Edgar School District.

Board members made this decision because they didn’t want the school district to forever lose out on approximately $2,000 in property taxes each year from land the Voights own in the district. Board member Jessica Frahm said she may have considered approving the property detachment request if there were children involved, but there are not.

Superintendent Andrea Sheridan informed the school board that the Voights’reason for wanting to detach from Athens and enter the Edgar School District is because they have supported scholarships for Edgar High School graduates for the past 20 years. The Voights land is on the edge of the Edgar School District.

Board member Tom “Chummo” Ellenbecker questioned why the Voights are making the request now instead of doing so 20 years ago.

The Edgar School Board will vote Wednesday on whether to approve or deny the Voights’attachment request. If the Edgar School Board votes against the request, then the Voights’ property will remain in the Athens School District. If the Edgar board votes to accept the petition, then the Voights can appeal the split decision to the state Department of Public Instruction (DPI), which would decide which school district the property will reside in the future.

Other business

■ The board approved an amended contract for Karla Erickson to be the varsity boys and girls head track and field coach. Cade Ellenbecker, Korey Rottscheit and Lance Bloch will be varsity assistant track and field coaches, and Cheryl Strunk will be a volunteer varsity assistant track and field coach. Last season, Erickson and Ellenbecker were cohead coaches after Strunk retired.

Board members also approved hiring Kaylyn Halopka as middle school track and field head coach; Macy Wirkus as middle school assistant track and field coach; Jeramie Penney and Aaron Doll as varsity assistant baseball coaches; Dale Westfall as a volunteer high school base-

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ball coach; Tom “Chummo” Ellenbecker as volunteer middle school head baseball coach; James Servi as assistant middle school baseball coach; Jeff Haines as varsity softball assistant coach; Chris Czech as varsity volunteer assistant softball coach; Jonathon Heier as middle school head softball coach; Ashley Barttelt as middle school assistant softball coach; and Pat Kornack as volunteer middle school softball coach.

■ Sheridan on Tuesday gave The Record Review an update on its open records request from Jan. 28 to obtain copies of the 20252026 administrative contracts for school principals Joy Redmann, Robin Hanson and Juli Gauerke-Peter. The school board approved those contract after meeting in closed session on Jan. 27.

Sheridan said formal letters were mailed to the school principals on Jan. 29 to notify them of the open records request and give them to provide comments.

“At this time, we have received one of three certified mail return receipts,” Sheridan told The Record Review on Tuesday.