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Senior Card Group

The Senior Citizens card group met on Feb. 6 for weekly card playing at the Athens Area Fire and Ambulance Hall. Two games of Sheepshead were played. Andy Hoef won first place and Norbert Lake came in second in the first game. Steve Klockziem won first and Rick Schaetzl came in second in the second game.

Low score was Ron Lavicka. Newcomers are encouraged to come play Sheepshead every Thursday from 12:30-3:30 p.m. at the Athens fire hall.

VFW Auxiliary

The Jan. 28 meeting of the Athens VFW Auxiliary 8527 was called to order by President Ruth Weiler at 6:30 p.m. Nine members were present in the back room of the Athens area Fire and Ambulance hall.

The secretary’s report was given and approved. Linda Adams read the General Orders. Members were reminded that the Mid-Winter Convention will be held Feb. 14-15 at the Oshkosh Marriot Waterfront Hotel and Convention Center.

Julie Ellenbecker gave the treasurer’s report, and it was approved. The bills were presented, and motion was made by Marilyn Meyn and seconded by Cheryl Engel to pay the bills. Motion approved.

Cheryl Engel gave the Sunshine Report.

Under old business, thank-yous were read and grades were submitted from Addison Lavicka and Katlin Osborne, the group’s 2024 scholarship winners.

Gloria Lavicka reported on the essays from the the “Voice of Democracy” campaign. Students in grades six, seven and eight from St. Anthony’s Catholic, Trinity Lutheran and the public school submitted 53 essays. A motion was made by Gloria Lavicka and seconded by Cheryl Engel to send thank-you cards to each school, along with a gift. Motion approved.

Gloria Lavicka gave a report on the district meeting that was held in Marshfield. The election of new officers will be held at the new district meeting on May 3 in Merrill.

Chaplain Cheryl Engel read the closing prayer. The meeting was adjourned, and Engel served a dessert. A special prize was won by Julie Ellenbecker.

The next meeting will be held Feb. 25.

College notes

Eric Bailey was named to the Mississippi State University fall 2024 president’s list. Students must achieve a 3.8 or better grade-point average to be on the list.

Greta Mahler, majoring in chem-istry biology, was named to the fall 2024 dean’s list at Ripon College. To qualify for the list students must achieve a 3.40 grade-point average or higher.

Mathew Redmann, majoring in mechanical engineering at UWPlatteville, was named to the fall 2024 dean’s list, which honors fulltime students who earned a gradepoint average of 3.75 and above.

The following students were named to the fall 2024 dean’s list at UW-Eau Claire: Shauna Belter, college of Health and Human Sciences; and Kaitlyn Riehle, College of Business. Students must have a minimum grade-point average of 3.70 to be named to the list.

The following students were named to the fall 2024 dean’s list at UW-La Crosse: Sophia Coker, elementary/ middle education; Dayne Diethelm, exercise and sports science; and Brooks Kraus, exercise and sports science: pre-professional track. To be eligible, students must have earned at least a 3.5 semester grade point average.

The following students were named to the fall 2024 dean’s list at UW-Milwaukee: Dana Felzkowski, Letters & Science; Rosalee Hornung, School of the Arts; Abraham Miller, Architecture.

Family Story Time

Bring your entire family to story time at the Athens Branch Library in February. Children of all ages and their parents or caregivers are invited to this 30-minute program. Library staff will read books, sing songs, and offer other literature-based activities. Upcoming Family Story Times will be held on Feb. 19 and 26, from 10:30 to 11 a.m.


College notes

Skylee Manecke was named to the 2024 fall semester honor roll at UWOshkosh. The grade-point average requirement is 3.3.

Cael Higgins, majoring in environmental engineering at UWPlatteville, was named to the fall 2024 semester chancellor’s list, which honors those with a perfect 4.0 grade-point average. He was also named to the dean’s list, which honors those with a 3.75 or higher GPA.

The following students were named to the fall 2024 deans list at UW-Eau Claire: Jed Knetter, College of Arts and Sciences; Shawna Moen, College of Nursing; and Haylee Schreiber, College of Arts and Sciences. Students must have a minimum grade-point average of 3.70 to be named to the list.

The following students were named to the fall 2024 dean’s list at UW-La Crosse: Olysta Baumann, undeclared; Brett Baumgartner, biology; Preston Dahlke, undeclared; Kaden Griesmer, exercise science-preprofessional track; Morgan Schnelle, radiologic science technology; Amber Skrzypcak, nuclear medicine technology; Teegan Streit, elementary/middle education. To be eligible, students must have earned at least a 3.5 semester grade point average.

Games at St. Stephen

St. Stephen Lutheran Church, 424 N. Third Ave., Edgar, will host card games in the church basement on Wednesdays, Feb. 12 and 19, from 1 to 3 p.m. Refreshments and snacks will be served. If you need a ride or have questions, call Mark at 715-3485802 or Colleen at 715-571-8277.

Fiber Arts Meet-up

Adults are invited to craft and chat at a monthly Fiber Artists Meetup on Monday, Feb. 24, from 4-6 p.m. at the Edgar Branch Library. Whether it’s knitting, crocheting, embroidery or mending, everyone is welcome to bring their projects and chat. This event is free and open to the public, no registration required. Call 715-352-3155 for more info.

Preschool, 4K Day

Edgar Preschool Screening and 4K Registration Day will be on Friday, March 14, from 7:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Information letters will be sent out in mid February to all parents of children ages 3 and 4. If you do not receive a letter, or if you know of someone new to the district, or have any questions, call the elementary office at (715)3522727.

Family Story Time

Children of all ages and their parents and caregivers are invited to the Edgar Branch Library on the first and third Tuesday of the month for Family Story Time. Enjoy learning with all of your children through stories, songs and other literature-based activities in this 30-minute program. The next Story Time will be held on Feb. 18, from 11 to 11:30 a.m.

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College notes

Ava Krueger and Jaicee Kunkel were named to the 2024 fall semester dean’s list at UW-Oshkosh. The grade-point average requirement is 3.75. The following students were named to the fall 2024 deans list at UW-Eau Claire: Ian Blake, College of Business; Alyssa Hall, College of Health and Human Sciences; Cooper Hoeksema, College of Business; Kaitlyn Kaiser, College of Arts and Sciences; Parker Peters, College of Business; Tyler Underwood, College of Business; Megan Oertel, College of Arts and Sciences. Students must have a minimum grade-point average of 3.70 to be named to the list.

The following students were named to the fall 2024 dean’s list at UW-La Crosse: McKenna Haehlke, biochemistry; Trinity Hornung, Spanish education and teaching English to speakers of other languages; Marissa Kaiser, social studies education-history concentration; Hope Krautkramer, accountancy; Jada Prihoda, marketing; Kali Prihoda, food and nutrition; Bridget Salber, exercise science-pre-professional track; Jonah Streveler, exercise science-fitness track. To be eligible, students must have earned at least a 3.5 semester grade point average.

Family Story Time

Children of all ages and their parents/caregivers are invited to the Marathon City Branch Library for Story Time on Thursdays. Library staff will read books, sing songs, and more during their 30-45 minutes together. Upcoming Family Story Times will be Feb. 13, 20 and 27, from 10:30 to 11 a.m.


College notes

Olivia Seitz was named to the 2024 fall semester honor roll at UW-Oshkosh. The grade-point average requirement is 3.3.

Zackary Seitz earned dean’s list honors for the fall 2024 semester at Bemidji State University. To be eligible for the list, students must earn a grade-point average of 3.5 or higher for the semester.

Riley Bauman was named to the 2024 fall semester dean’s list at St. Mary’s University in Winona, Minn. Students on the list earned a grade-point average of 3.60 or better on a 4.0 scale.

Thomas Kaiser has graduated from UWPlatteville with a degree in dairy science.

Joe Kloos, majoring in mechanical engineering at UW-Platteville, was named to the fall 2024 dean’s list, which honors full-time students who earned a grade-point average of 3.75 and above.

The following students were named to the fall 2024 deans list at UW-Eau Claire: Evan Danielson, College of Nursing; Brooke Faber, College of Health and Human Sciences; Camryn Fisher, College of Nursing; Alexis Folz, College of Arts and Sciences; Payton Glenn, College of Health and Human Sciences; Sarah Martin, College of Nursing; Ashley O’Neil, College of Nursing; Olivia Rothamer, College of Arts and Sciences; Sadie Weigel, College of Nursing; Henry Zaleski, College of Arts and Sciences. Students must have a minimum grade-point average of 3.70 to be named to the list.

The following students were named to the fall 2024 dean’s list at UW-La Crosse: Madalen Bornbach, exercise science-fitness track; Mikayla Guldan, recreational therapy; Mercedes Kramer, exercise science-pre-professional track; Sophia Meyer, biology-biomedical science concentration; Jackson Ormond, mathematics education. To be eligible, students must have earned at least a 3.5 semester grade point average.

The following students were named to the fall 2024 dean’s list at UW-Milwaukee: Sydney Busche, nursing; Camden Daul, rehab science and technology; Jacob Kloos, freshwater sciences.

Family Story Time

Bring your entire family to story time at the Stratford Branch Library on Wednesdays in February. Children of all ages and their parents or caregivers are invited to this 30minute program. Library staff will read books, sing songs, and offer other literaturebased activities. Upcoming Family Story Times will be Feb. 19 and 26, from 10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Fun with Play-Doh

Children and their families are invited to the Stratford Branch Library on Monday, Feb. 24, from 10:30-11:30 a.m. to have fun with Play-Doh. A staff member from Children's Wisconsin/Marshfield Family Resource Center will also be available for questions and to recommend community resources.The event is free; no registration required. Call 715-687-4420 for more info.

Book club

The Stratford Book Club will meet at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 19, at the Stratford Branch Library to discuss “The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store” by James McBride. In 1972, a skeleton unearthed in Chicken Hill, Pennsylvania, reveals a long-held secret, exposing the role of the town’s white establishment and the guarded lives of those on the margins of white, Christian America. For more information, call 715-687-4420.


Moonshine in the Northwoods

The Marathon County Historical Society will host its next “History Speaks” event on Saturday, Feb. 22, at 2 p.m. at the Woodson History Center (410 McIndoe Street, Wausau). Jim Bokern from the Manitowish Waters Historical Society will tell stories of moonshine in the northwoods of Wisconsin. Learn more about clever moonshine production, extortion plots, kidnapping, hideouts, and Al Capone’s activities in northern Wisconsin.

Bokern has worked with numerous collections from Hurley to Glandon and beyond, and will share what this correspondence, photographs, and memorabilia tells us about the influence of moonshine in Wisconsin before, during, and after prohibition.

For more information, call the MCHS at 715-842-5750.