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Grell decides to run for re-election; other races contested

By Kevin O’Brien and Casey Krautkramer

Stratford village president Keith Grell has decided to run for re-election after all.

After previously declaring his non-candidacy at the end of last month, Grell turned in nomination papers by Tuesday’s deadline to be on the April 1 ballot. Barring a write-in candidate, Grell will be running unopposed for a new term as village president.

Village trustees Todd Belter, Maryel Schoenfuss, and Troy Wiesman will also be running for re-election in the spring after turning the required paperwork by Tuesday’s deadline.

Athens School Board president Tim Krueger also declared his noncandidacy last month, opening up a potential vacancy on the board.

Krueger has served on the Athens School Board for a little over a decade and is currently finishing out a two-year term.

Board member Angie Servi will be running unopposed for a new three-year term. No other candidates were reported to have turned in paperwork by Tuesday.

Other election news

■ Kitty Guyer, the clerk on the Stratford School Board, will face a challenge from Christine Hollatz-Polzin, who registered to run for a three-year term on the board.

■ Marathon City trustee Connie Ruplinger has decided not to run for re-election, and two newcomers have registered to be on the ballot. Trustees Mark Ahrens and Kevin Sorenson will run against Alex Cabrera and Andrew Goergen for three seats on the board. Village President Kurt Handrick will be running unopposed for a new term.

■ Marathon School Board atlarge member Tedd Knoeck will be running unopposed for a new threeyear term on the board.

■ Edgar School Board members Pamela Stahel and Megan

Wesolowski will run unopposed after both submitted paperwork.

■ Athens Village President Randy Decker and three incumbent trustees, Taran Brodziski, Tyler Socha and Cody Thorson, will all be running unopposed.

■ The village of Edgar will have a caucus on Jan. 13 to determine who will be on the April 1 ballot. Village President Terry Lepak and trustees Patty Schroeder-Schuett, Jon Streit and Randy Werner are up for new terms.