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Edgar class of 1973 reunites at Wendtland home

Edgar class of 1973 reunites at Wendtland home Edgar class of 1973 reunites at Wendtland home

The Edgar High School class of 1973 converged on the residence of Larry and Jan Wendtland, who kindly opened their home up to celebrate 50 plus one years since classmates ventured out to make their way.

Twenty-two of the 69 graduates were able to attend, some with their spouses.

Eight of our fellow students have passed on: John Marzenski, Art Jaster, Ron Blair, Sue (Dvorak) Bernard, Larry Downey, Pat (Gritzmacher) Guyette, Terry Tuscher and Darryl Wisnewski.

Two honored guests attended: librarian Marilyn Sonnentag and Richard Guenther (teacher and coach), a brother to class advisor, Harry Guenther, who has passed on.

Theresa Murphy Thompson from Louisiana and Diane Hall from Florida traveled farthest for this event. Many classmates are now retired, traveling, camping and enjoying life, good times and the grandkids The day was filled with memories shared and new memories made. Richard Guenther gave a college admission test to see how sharp everyone was, which only proved you don’t know what you don’t know. Richard, a master sculptor, does miniature wood sculptures of songbirds and paints them. He graciously shared them with the alumni. He will now forever be remembered by classmates as they enjoy little wood carved birds hanging on their Christmas trees.

Food preparation was handled by Shirley and Randy Hummer, with class members contributing dishes to pass as well. Joel Schulz prepared French cut chicken legs on a grill as an appetizer as he himself roasted in the hot sun. Homemade wines were provided and consumed.

Whilst the classmates wined and dined, it was quickly concluded that time goes by way too quickly and how the years whizzed by seem an unsolved mystery.

As the clouds overtook the beautiful sunny day, a wagon ride driven by Larry Wendtland was taken to Muskrat Creek Vineyard off Urmanski Road. Jan Wendtland followed by truck. The five-mile ride journeyed past fellow classmates homesteads, the Pauls, Stencils, Kaisers, Gusts, and Urmanskis, which were all pointed out. At the vineyard, members deboarded the wagon and strolled the grounds to take in the beauty of God’s creation. It was verily concluded that “life is good.”

Dark clouds shadowed the group as the hay rode back to the Wendtlandts. To add to the excitement, Larry took the long route back as the storm followed along.

After a most beautiful day, the rains came complete with thunder, lightning and a down pour, but this did not dampen the spirits of the class of 1973.

CLASS OF 1973 - In front, from left to right, are Marilyn Sonnentag (librarian) and Richard Guenther (teacher and coach). Standing in the second row are Mary (Imhoff) Ugoretz, Ed Miller, Chuck Mroczenski, Shirley (Brzezinski) Hummer, Diane Hall, Pat (Wirkus) Nowak, Theresa (Murphy) Thompson and Bob Denee. In the back are Jim Stencil, Denny Bergs, Doris (Hoef) Win, Calvin Ledbetter, Larry Wendtland, Pam (Stencil) Balz, Debi Gust-Boerema, Duwayne Merkes, Joel Schulz and Randy Manecke. Not pictured are Sharon (Jagodzinski) Ross, Steve Mueller, Mark Bargendar and Kris (Michilig) Apfelbeck.