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Grateful for a free society Tiffany has done damage End tax dodges

with this. We have to choose a President on Nov. 3. President Trump can be bombastic and crude but is now a successful leader with the record to prove it. Joe Biden may read his ever-present teleprompter in a nicer way and also has a record - 47 years of accomplishing nothing, other than illegally enriching his family. Imagine if friendly Doctor Two couldn’t remember what hospital he worked for or what kind of doctor he was. It would have made an already easy choice even easier. Twice this year, Biden thought he was running for senate and several times didn’t know what state he was in.

I am shocked that there are still people saying that any good economic numbers today are a credit to Obama. What sane person would give the previous sports team coach credit for a good record two, three or almost four after they had left, instead of the current coach?

Hopefully, the corrupt Biden family will be finally exposed by the evidence emerging daily regarding Hunter and Joe Biden’s dealings in Russia, Ukraine, and China. Joe would be totally compromised as president. He’s going to be tough on them, and fair to us when he’s in bed with them?

It is outrageous how many times President Trump needs to answer “Do you denounce white supremacy?” while Joe Biden doesn’t get asked if he denounces Antifa and Black Lives Matter, the two groups responsible for hundreds of injuries, deaths, and senseless property damage amounting to billions of dollars across the country.

We also hear Democrats whine about Amy Coney Barrett’s nomination to the Supreme Court when everyone knows they would have 100 percent nominated someone if the shoe was on the other foot. No one has yet offered a legitimate reason why she’s not the most qualified candidate in the country. It’s equally outrageous to hear how Trump may not accept the results of the election. This is from the party who didn’t accept the results of the last one for four years!

Many claim they can’t fathom why Christians would support President Trump considering the life he’s led. Per- haps these people should refer to the people God chose in the Bible to be in positions of power. As one of the many examples, God chose Saul, one of the biggest persecutors of the church at the time. He became Paul, one of the most prolific writers of the New Testament. Clearly, President Trump’s support of Christian values has evolved over his life, including his support of the unborn.

If you listen to Biden’s plan to control the coronavirus pandemic, it sounds familiar. That’s because he jacked it from President Trump. Trump has already done everything you propose Joe, save one thing: a national lockdown or masking mandate, which would needlessly perpetuate fear, violate the Constitution, and strangle the economy.

Choosing in this election couldn’t be simpler. Joe Biden has talked the talk for 47 years. He’s on the wrong side of every issue. He won’t put American interests first. As with our decision regarding the doctors years back, it isn’t necessary to “like” your doctor or your president. Results matter!

Randel Wokatsch Marathon

Grateful for a free society

To the Editor: Political fatigue has set in and voters are feeling the urgency for their presidential candidate to win. I feel also feel the urgency and would like to respond to Mr McNeely’s letter to the editor from last week.

1) Everyone calm down! America will not become a socialist country in our lifetime. There are eight types of socialism but the general definition is “a system or condition of society that shares economic output equally throughout the population to meet all social needs with a focus on the common good.” Americans would never agree to total socialism because from what I can see we are not interested in the common good (wear a mask!). We should be more concerned about the potential for authoritarian rule of our country by President Trump and the Republican legislature.

Authoritarianism is “any political system that concentrates power in the hands of a leader or a small elite, exercising power arbitrarily and without regard to existing bodies of law.” An authoritarian government uses military threats (federal military in American cities), suppression of free press (Trump’s denounces the press) and disinformation (20,000 plus lies) to manage the people over whom it rules.

2) Trump is packing the Supreme Court with conservative judges, therefore the Pro-Life voters no longer need to vote for Trump if they disagree with his style of governing. Remember that Roe vs. Wade is about protecting a woman’s right to privacy. I don’t like abortion but I do not want our greatgranddaughters to be required to register their monthly menstrual cycles with the government as occurred during this administration’s refugee resettlement.

3) Defunding the police is a way to break the police union; fire the police and rehire the trustworthy cops.

4) Not to worry, we will never have a 51st and 52nd state as it would mess up our flag. But it would be nice to treat the people in our territories as Americans entitled to more than just rolls of paper towels.

5) BLM is not a Marxist organization. The “All Lives Matter” mantra is another way of dismissing black people.

6) ANTIFA is not an organized terrorism group except in the mind of Donald Trump. White supremacy groups pose a significant threat to our country.

7) Mr. McNeely is concerned that the government will tell us what to do. Our government already tells us what to do in an effort to protect us from ourselves and others, such as speed limits, etc. We are a democratic society free to elect representatives to speak for us but over the last few presidencies these representatives have forgotten the word compromise.

My last point is that people need to stop listening to FOX News only! If you don’t like the other networks, watch PBS NewsHour which provides non-hysterical news of substance. You may find all news to be slanted against Trump because his behavior warrants honest negative commentary. I am grateful that I live in a free society with a free press where I can express my opinion in The Record Review. Vote! Janice Soczka Town of Cassel

Tiffany has done damage

To the Editor: Choose freedom in the Seventh Congressional District. Tom Tiffany is supported by big money, why? After having our district gerrymandered by Walker and friends, right to work for less, white sheet eliminated and Foxconn blunder, we do not need another Republican representative in Congress. Tom has done Wisconsin enough damage.

John F. Schaetzl Athens

End tax dodges

To the Editor: The New York Times’ recent disclosure of President Trump’s taxes for the past 15 years illustrates the problem of too many legal tax dodges and the opportunity for illegal misrepresentation of income and expenses.

It is time for the American people to demand wealthy Americans pay their fair share and their president to disclose his financial dealings.

Maxine Luchterhand Unity